Why would you want to cash out of an asset that's preforming as well as LTC (price tripled over the past month)?
I mean, ya, sure, you held BTC while it did the exact opposite (albeit over a year and a half), so points for intrinsic consistency, but still...
You sure it aint just plain old jealousy? Hate to see the other fellow win big while you ...is there a polite word for "opposite of win big"?
Bitcoin quintupled (wow, that's actually a word? typing it, I thought it wouldnt be) in a month (from about $200 in October 28th of 2013 to $1000+ by November 28th of the same year), before this "opposite of win big" bitcoin went through. Would it have been wise to cash out $600 dollar bitcoins November 20th? I would say "yes". If someone holding LTC from sometime between January and May cashes out now, it's a wise idea.