pretty pathetic bear raid attempt by the greedy noisy, bearpig trolls ... seems like it had to be done though as price was breaking out sideways so they are getting extremely desperate now, as we can tell from the synchronised hating fest that seemingly came from nowhere in time for the quietest time of the market ... chinese NY over tomorrow and fiat starts hitting the exchanges again, need to paint the tape for that
The beartrolls are scammers of the highest order. Worse than neobee or a host of other failed or scammy bitcoin ventures and are just as fraudulent in trying to scare emotionally or financially weak people out of their coins. At least the outright scams asked nicely instead of using fear or emotional engineering.
They lie about their objectives and try to obfuscate the truth by making it seem like their motivations for posting are out of moral duty to save fools from losing their money when in fact they are not ethical agents, just greedy book talkers or seriously confused dipshitsThe short term price movements mean little in the face of what bitcoin has done in a very short time. Amateur hour is pretty much over. Stronger hands that are capable and ethically motivated are gearing up the engines and the real crooks are looking to game or exploit this experiment (which is expected and necessary).
However bad the first wave has been (Hello MagicalTux!), they did bootstrap a whole transparent world value ledger and multibillion dollar value economy to this point and must be lauded for their fearlessness of living on the lunatic fringe that also happen to be the spearhead of innovation. Here's to the ones crazy enough to think they can change the world.
TL;DR for newbies : Trollbear trader scammers want to cheat you out of your chance of a decent future stake in the most exciting technology/economy shift since the internet itself. Don't be stupid and put yourself at risk in the short term markets and risk another gox, wait for legitimate and secure exchanges or even better just spend them directly when it is ubiquitous. Do this instead FTW!:
1. Buy as much as is comfortable and healthy for your budget at as close to the bottom of long term bear cycles as possible.
2. Put duplicate private keys in cold storage in multiple safe locations and forget about them for a while.
3. learn and grow as an individual learning about economics, ethics, business, blockchain tech, etc. and develop your self discipline so when you have a lot of wealth you can use it wisely instead of what often happens to lottery winners, successful thieves or scammers, or other instantly rich, soon to be poor folks who often get very sick from not knowing how to handle all the stresses and temptations of managing wealth.
4. Have a long term vision and set goals for it, filling in the short term steps and details along the way.
5. Profit and enjoy your wealth and life with people who love you properly, building good things to exchange and taking on challenges to the benefit of yourself and your fellow humans.