I once hated iPhones like you all, then I got one. Now I realize how bloated an unorganized Android is. The simplicity and ease of use of my iPhone is unparalleled. It integrates with my Mac Pro so I can text from my computer, or continues working on a document or viewing a web page seamlessly. It connects to my car using carplay, and it wirelessly mirrors my phone onto my appleTv in my living room. All of this is built in with no extra cables and things that need to be bought. I had nothing but problems with my android phones, and windows phones just suck from top to bottom. So y'all can think what you want. I have heard plenty stories of ex android users loving their new iPhones, but never heard any ex iPhone users loving their new android. The only people I see talking shit about iPhones are android users that are just obviously uneducated, and have never owned one an iPhone to begin with.
In my experience, iPhone was better then Android phones till iPhone 4. Till then, it was more stable and the interface was smoother. Now, the software quality is about the same with the better Android variants. The hardware quality is now worse then the top-end Android phones. And not only the hardware speed, but also the overall build quality has deteriorated when compared to top-end Android phones.
I think that iPhone would be a good phone if it would cost half of what it currently costs. It's not a bad phone, but it's just highly overpriced.
My biggest compliments go to Apple for their marketing tactics. They have built a loyal customer base, that defend their products with passion. Even going as far as calling people uneducated for being critical towards iPhone. They have worked magic with selling a product this overpriced, but still having a large loyal customer base.
I myself prefer not to use Apple's products anymore, just because they don't have the edge in quality, but only a higher price. Even if I can afford to use Apple, I would feel like a fool who is a victim of clever marketing if I bought something from their current line of products.
I hope that they come out with something new and innovative soon, that they could actually do better then others again. Until then, they should at least adjust their profit margin to more suitable levels