I'd happily take a bet with you, or another reputable member, that price will go below $40K again before the end of the year (2024).
0.1 BTC is the offer.
Well, we can't say that he wasn't close to making it happen, because at one point a few months ago, the price went below $50k for a short time - some members took advantage of that in the best possible way. At this moment, $40k seems like a bad joke, and considering that many people these days hang pictures of Mr. Donald above their beds and send him prayers, there is no chance that something bad will happen
Our Donald who art in White House,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy crypto kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily coins,
and forgive us our unfaithfulness,
as we forgive those who trespass against us such Gary
and lead us not into temptation to give up from crypto
but deliver us from evil.Your lil poem would have probably been nicer without use of such vague-ass term crypto, since I don't exactly know what crypto is - especially since so many times is it used as to mislead and confuse in regards to shitcoins and bitcoin being grouped into the same category without specifying how bitcoin and shitcoins differ from each other. .. or maybe clarifying that shitcoins tend to be affinity scams on bitcoin and they benefit from the use of various vague and misleading references. Sure, there could be some humor in the use of the term crypto to suggest that crypto and shitcoins are referring to similar things, even though you are seeming to want to include bitcoin within the idea of crypto which truly is problematic to perpetuate such misleading and confusing concepts..
You don't even use the word bitcoin in your whole poem. Go figure.
It surely was interesting that a lot of folks looking at sub $40k, and gosh we barely made it below $50k in this particular correction cycle.. which that seems somewhat amazing in itself and perhaps ended up recking a lot of the guys who fuck around with trying to buy on the dip rather than being happy with a less greedy approach to bitcoin.
$100k per BTC seeems inevitable.
There's been a lot of talk about a $100k party. I'm not going to make it (my family situation won't allow it), but I'm happy to donate 0.1 btc to the 100k party.
That is a very generous offer.
F*ck me.
I deleted that post shortly after, realized I've had too much to drink.
Oh well, now since it's quoted, there's no point denying I said that. I'll just have to suck it up and stand by my words.
If this 100k WO-party for some strange reason will ever happen, I'll help finance it. I guess I could transfer the btc to a multisig wallet, shared with me and a couple of trusted WO-members who are ready to make that party happen.
You could retract the offer too.. or put certain kinds of terms on it (such as needing some committee or some other tangible kind of efforts or description of how the funds are spent or a selection of a committee by a certain date) but hey whatever... 0.1 BTC does seem like a kind of an amount that could inspire lift off and/or inspire other members to chip in too.. perhaps?
Funding at that level should inspire some trusted WO-members to want to follow through with the organizing of such a party or being on such a committee. Interesting concept, but something like 0.1 BTC seed funding could surely spark it, including that you never know if some other WO members might want to chip in too with finances and then there is the time and effort part and perhaps some folks who have reasonable visions of what such a gathering could be.. .. not just a fantasy if there is actually money going into a pot and then perhaps some kind of an organizing committee that ends up getting coordinated.
You don’t owe anybody anything. You didn't sign a contract, just put it down to having too much to drink and forget it. Nobody is going to get annoyed or give you negative trust or anything. We all talk shit when we’re drunk. If there is a 100k party, nobody would expect 0.1BTC off you. And quite frankly at 100k per coin, if people can’t afford to pay for their own shit, they shouldn’t attend.
Remember when Bawb offered blow jobs and beer upon certain BTC price conditions being met? He mostly ended up paying beers to those who accepted within certain terms, yet I cannot recall anyone disclosing the receipt of any blow jobs (from bawb) in connection with such.... .. yet sure, largely I agree that follow through or not might depend on the situation.
The four year bitcoin cycle is dead, IMO.
This time is different:
1. Purchase of $MSTR completely new supplies
2. $MSTR copy-cats/other corporate buyers
3. State buying/establishing $BTC reserves
4. A massively pro-Bitcoin administration in the US for the next 4 years
$BTC is only going to go up from here, with some volatility.
XHoly fuck. You could be a bit more clear about your source is completely twitter and none of that is your own words. yeah you have a link, but still. Is there a way to be a bit more clear with sourcing?
By the way, it would be even better if you at least made some kind of a comment about the substance, and sure you are not the ONLY member who just cites various substance without making any comments.
You don’t owe anybody anything. You didn't sign a contract, just put it down to having too much to drink and forget it. Nobody is going to get annoyed or give you negative trust or anything. We all talk shit when we’re drunk. If there is a 100k party, nobody would expect 0.1BTC off you. And quite frankly at 100k per coin, if people can’t afford to pay for their own shit, they shouldn’t attend.
That'll pay for a couple hookers and a pile of blow!
Haha, no one gonna hold you to a drunk post.
unless it was something stupid and it was only beer money.Yeah, thanks. We all say stupid things when drunk.
I was here 2013 when there was talk about a 1k party. That never happen.
I doubt there will be any party this time, but if it ever happens, I guess some sort of establishment has to be booked. I'm happy to help with that.
I take for granted that anyone who attend, will cover for their own drinks, hookers and blow.
It would be nice if some WO member(s) would take you up on your offer and organize such a thing, yet I am thinking that even with 0.1 BTC as a starting seeding fund, it would be difficult to carry out.. not impossible, but difficult, and my understanding is that there had been some fairly in-depth conversation about various possibilities in the past... but yeah, actual action is a bit more difficult than just discussion of potential action.
The four year bitcoin cycle is dead, IMO.
That's a bold statement there, IMO.
My thoughts too.
The four year bitcoin cycle is dead, IMO.
This time is different:
1. Purchase of $MSTR completely new supplies
2. $MSTR copy-cats/other corporate buyers
3. State buying/establishing $BTC reserves
4. A massively pro-Bitcoin administration in the US for the next 4 years
$BTC is only going to go up from here, with some volatility.
X Nah, it probably isn't.
Once the price overextends into the "stratosphere", it would still go down more than 50%..maybe 60 or even 70%.
If the peak would be at 135K, then it might not decline more than 50%-->67K
Alternatively, if the peak would be at around 230-320K, then maybe down 65% to 80-112K if I would be optimistic.
Still, it would be an advance to an "expected" (from prior cycles) 70% decline.
Personally, I still think that we would decline 70%, but from where would make a big difference...but something like 60-75K at the next bottom might be a realistic number, with 40.5K (coming from a "low" high of 135K) being the harshest and most tearful scenario. The latter would almost completely "kill" MSTR (if not the stock, then certainly their 42B bitcoin yield strategy).
I largely agree with your statement about no end to the 4-year cycle, but it seems my reasoning is similar even though your various scenarios come off as a bit awkward and your proclamation of the death of Saylor/MSTR strategies seems a bit doomie and gloomie.
I doubt we even need to get into specific scenarios or get all doomie and gloomie about specific scenarios, yet I think that we still could acknowledge that no matter the size or the players if the market is allowed to be somewhat free and open (which it seems bitcoin mostly is, even if there are efforts to "tame" it), and like you suggested, we are going to have times of overexuberance that takes us way beyond any kind of reasonableness and likely no one is really able to stop it and perhaps there are also instigators who work towards exacerbating such overexuberance for their own purposes of rug pulling or whatever might be the case when they might be able to get some insider knowledge regarding the level of overexuberance or their ability to play the market more when it gets into such an overextended state.
There likely are even limits to how much any player can really play the market and sometimes might even get caught on the wrong side of their own efforts in thinking that they can play or control the market, so the casualties might not always be clear or even they might end up being some of the players who were manipulating end up becoming casualties. It can be quite difficult to know how the details play out, even though it seems difficult to currently proclaim the death of the 4-year cycle prior to any real evidence of such, beyond theories of such (which we saw those theories of the death of the cycle at every previous cycle too).
Why everyone so lovey dovey when the BTC price is going up? especially Italians.. .#justsaying
I am always been a lovey dovey, also during the three he’s of sorrow during Covid (as far as Bitcoin price is related): can you disagree with that??
Sure.. my memory is that there is a persistent lovey dovey fillippone in our midst.. . though I am not sure that I recall what was the "three he's of sorrow."
I recall quite a bit of sorrow around covid times in terms of various abilties for any normies (I suppose those without private plans) to be able to enjoy their lives in normal kinds of ways, even if might have had money, if we did not certain connections, then surely additional sorrow.. and gosh.. I probably should stop elaborating about those relatively (and perhaps purposefully imposed?) stressful times.
[edited out]
and what's more likely:
Trump does nothing for a year
Trump passes a kinder gentler cap gains bill for BTC and Musk's toy coin.
Trump attacks because he and Musk have a short trap set up as we hodl.
Should any of us really be changing very much of our BTC related strategies based on what we believe various political actors might or might not do? I figured out my allocation over the years and established my position, and so sure there might be some things that I could do to buy more BTC or sell more BTC, yet I doubt that I am changing very much what I do based on the kinds of conjectures that you are making and considering to be important in your thoughts.
So if we are posting in a thread like this are we talking about our own ideas about what we should do or might do, or might we be attempting to suggest what other WO participants might do?
My general idea is that an overwhelming majority of the world's population does not have enough BTC, so they should be working on making sure that they have enough, which means accumulating BTC through mostly buying it. Sure, there are quite a few forum members (and WO participants) who have enough BTC or more than enough BTC, so they mostly should have ideas in regards to how they might choose to allocate their BTC, and I am not sure whether anything you are suggesting should contribute to their changing their current plans, and I am not sure if you are wanting to motivate them in some direction or another.
There are always going to be various kinds of manipulations of BTC or attempts to manipulate, and sure you might be suggesting that there are some players in a better position to manipulate BTC as compared with others, yet even if you come out with some grand manipulation schemes, you may well also need to consider if there might be various ways to off-set such manipulation schemes, so that the manipulation schemes might not end up playing out as you are anticipating to be the possibilities, and so in the end you don't have enough information, yet you still need to figure out your own BTC allocation and the extent to which you might be scared out of your coins.
By the way, over the years, I have seen you come up with all kinds of imaginative ways to scare your own lil selfie out of coins, so you are likely not a very good reliable source for information in regards for guys either still accumulating coins or if guys are considering whether to take some profits, which you are frequently more than willing to take profits, and how is that working out for you to remain such a low coiner after 13-ish years in bitcoin, and still continuously and ongoingly coming out with weird-ass theories to keep your BTC coin allocation amounts at seemingly low levels.
{I personally think he will pass bills that favor investments a better cap gains rule and he will attack illegals bigly.
Most Americans do not want the huge influx of illegals if you did a flat country wide vote it is very likely 75% against them.
So attacking illegals will please a lot of voters.
maybe enough to get away with really good cap gains breaks for holders.}
and I consider the above to be a popular easy way for him and musk to make big iron fiat cash coin wealth and please most Americans.
it that simple enough for you
Am I supposed to do something about it in terms of my own BTC allocation? or anyone else? Are you suggesting that we do something in regards to changing our approach to BTC based on these speculations? Buy more BTC because capital gains is going to be better in the future? I still am not sure if it matters, even if you have identified some policy priority points that could end up playing out, and I am not even sure if further explanation helps, especially since we are getting into quite a few specifics in regards to speculations that may or may not end up panning out in the various specific ways that you are anticipating... yet I suppose you get some pleasure to get into specifics so that you can later say "I told you so. Look I am an actual guru, rather than a guru wannabe."
At least you keep the thread fun, especially when you get all worked up.
We are easing off the "pedal" rn.
How do you know?