least it go unsaid for too fuck off juansnowgee!! its Thursday
You could have been a wee bit MOAR nicer about it.
In dudder words: You are absolutely
no fun.
@jjg why so short a post.
where is your wall.
I gotta pace myself...
a self-directed mandateTo jjg this is why I am prepared downwards action
along with sideways
and of course for up
I am not easily convinced.. especially given some of your various nonsenses over the past showing some of your own distractions and even providing frameworks that you present as if they were generally applicable and they show general seemingly ongoing problems in your own approach and thinking in regards to various bitcoin-related matters.. .. and it is likely a waste of time to even try to convince this here gobblin.
Huh. Almost felt something there for a moment.
Oh well. Back to this shit human existence...
Well I am hoping for further dipping with luck we can fall to 21.5k
I would get more dip near that point.
Exhibit A... case in point....
hoping for downity.. .. and even more downity, at that.. . shows problems in your discussion of the matter and where you likely should be in life as a 67-ish year old who has been in bitcoin for around 11 years.. but hey, who am I to say?
Well for my circumstances I am spread 3 ways
Your thoughts are that I am not prepped enough for up
so I pick down over up.
those thoughts are not the reasons I prefer down or sideways over up at this moment in time.
At this moment I have yet to fill out the mine at what I consider dip or bargain prices for gear.
So I am not perfectly positioned for up.
But my method of buying gear is slow not huge very much a monthly piece very much like dca.
We could use 4-6 new units we got get them all now or go slower .
My risk assessment is go slower do not pluge in and get those pieces today.
Once I get them I don't care about downward dips or sideways.
I could buy all 6 s19 pros today for 9000 but it is stupid and risky. Or I can get one every month and be done by sept.
Most of this is not strict coin purchase or invest meant it is roundabout method of getting coin.
Als0 being involved with btc 2012 to 2017 was as a non-believer gear head.
being involved with btc 2018 to 2023 was as a believer.
out our mine with the four of us has done really well in the last 5 years.
Buddy =22
Phil= 25