I've invested over 8000 GBP & I'm at least 75% down now.
I can't believe this.
Hope this was money you could afford to lose?
Thankfully, i have invested money that i could afford to lose. Even though it stings, i am not too worried even if BTC crashes to the ground. This may be the time to diversify my portfolio into some other altcoin which i believe is the future, you can buy more of that coin for less since everything is tied to BTC atm. I cant think off too many though, maybe DRK for me!
People keep using the words "money you can afford to lose". Do you mean any amount other than what would cause him to die of hunger? Children's education money? Or do you mean dinner money? A cup of coffee?
There is no such thing as money you can afford to lose. There is only money. And it always hurts to lose it.
I beg to differ, i set aside a certain sum every month under the head "Entertainment". Entertainment budget covers my trips / movies / gambling/ etc.,
This IS money that i will lose anyway, of course it will give me entertainment in exchange. Off late, i have been setting aside some money for Crypto-entertainment too. I also dabble in penny stocks, there too i use some money (small amounts) every month and buy some stocks in the hope they go big! This is clearly money that i can afford to lose, if they hit it big, i make a profit, if i lose that money, its still okay as this is not money i need in my daily life!