i believe there are resonances that permeate all....temporal, social...economic...and every once in awhile...a new note is sounded...such as with bitcoin
the Wizard of Oz(the movie) came out in 1939....the book it was adapted from was published in 1900 however
While the book contains all the delight and whimsy that is typical of a children's story, there are also complex themes of the political and societal conditions that were taking place at the time and they beg the question: Does The Wonderful Wizard of Oz have a secret message?
The book itself seems to be a direct metaphor for the political and social atmosphere in the United States at the time. A metaphor is a figure of speech where a word or phrase represents or symbolizes something else. The story is an allegory for the rise of Populism that was occurring in the 1890s, as well as for the debate over whether to hold on to the gold standard for currency or to begin using silver. Before 1873, a dollar could be exchanged for either gold or silver, and farmers wanted to return to that policy so that inflation would make it easier for them to pay back their loans. An allegory is a deeper, hidden meaning within a story, typically a moral or political one. Populism is a reference to a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of ''the people'' and juxtaposes them against ''the elite.''
Baum himself was a political reporter for part of his life and was a South Dakota resident for years, where he was able to observe the rise of Populism amongst farmers in the West and their formation of the People's Party, which sought to address a variety of the country's economic issues.
Baum was sympathetic towards the populist movement. He and his wife were both members of the Theosophical Society, which was centered around the belief of a deeper spiritual reality and that direct contact with that reality could be established through intuition, meditation, revelation, or some other state that transcended normal human consciousness. He denies that his story is anything other than a children's fantasy novel.
https://study.com/learn/lesson/the-wonderful-wizard-of-oz-l-frank-baum-analysis-symbolism.html1870's...huh..1970's..hmmm...do you think by the 2070's
they will have this inflation thing figured out or will
they just move goal posts again?
#haikuSundayits time, too haiku
For time does not hold still long
holders gunna hodl
Pump up the jams yo
spin up boilers three and four
its all ahead full
one hundred thousand
there is a party coming
yup, will see you there