Ripple is a risk too far for me. I want to see counterparty make it, I might buy in at some point.
That, and also I don't think many 'ripplefans' even understand what XRP is used for. They just buy it because they see it's going up for whatever reason, and then they come here on a Bitcoin forum to cheerlead for it and try to get some more suckers into something they don't understand.
why are bitcoiners any different?
Oh there are certainly those who don't understand what BTC is about at all and just buy it because they want to profit from it, but I don't see them spam rippleforums and cheerlead for BTC there. On average I do think bitcoiners have a bit more understanding of what Bitcoin is and have other reasons for getting into it besides hoping it goes up.
There are trolls who cheerlead for xrp that missed the btc boat or were never accepted here. There are good people here who have been in bitcoin for years and also see the positives in ripple without investing in xrp.
The people who will make money wont generalize everything but instead be open for change.