Fuck.. I lost my post after I had already drafted it all, and I had to type whatever I might have had said a second time
Even bots can get mad.I've had some time to sleep and think on this, now, and the more I think about it, I'm just left terrified about the implications this ordinal stuff has for Bitcoin.
I see it as a very real existential threat.
I sincerely hope I am dead wrong.
I'm not an expert when it comes to this new Ordinal thing and how it is implemented, but the possibility of "polluting" the Blockchain with bad data got me seriously worried. The issue here is not so much that it is possible for someone to insert child pornography and/or top-secret defense documents in the Blockchain (which in itself is unsettling), but the fact that the Blockchain is immutable and thus cannot be altered, and this is by design. So, this offensive/sensitive data will have to be there forever, and this could provide a strong reason for TPTB to attack/ban Bitcoin "for the common good".
I assume that, if this ever becomes a problem, it should be possible to handle via a fork, with the new code base removing this feature and also somehow removing all offensive/sensitive content. Said fork will have near-full consensus, so it will become the new, sanitized Bitcoin. The Bitcoin ecosystem should be able to handle this. Another battle, another win for Bitcoin.
Still, all this mess upsets and worries me. Hopefully, Bitcoin will come out of this stronger than ever, as it has done so many times.
I cannot claim to be an expert either, but at this time, I tentatively believe that "unsanitized" is going to win over "sanitized" even if 80% or more of dee normies with hurtz feewings believe that they know "unsanitized" when they see it and "believe" that they can fix it. In other wurds, seems to me that assessments of "unsanitized" is a slippery-slope that is not going to gain consensus, even if "currently" 80% or even more of dee peeps/normies with hurt widdo feewings believe that they know what they want.
King daddy gives no fucks about your perceptions of "sanitized," ur hurt widdo feewings and the code cannot be changed to accomplish anything other than "open systems" whether your widdo feewings and sensitivities are touched in ouchie poo places or not.. That's my tentative speculation on the matter..
Bitcoin is for enemies.. "deal with it." hahahahaha.. does that sound right? It's both good and bad at the same time, even if uie-pooie don't like some of dee ting-a-lingies contained therein.
[edited out]
I've read nothing about this so I'm probably just going to sound stupid but has this been done on other chains? ETH for example?
What I'm getting at is why hasn't it happened yet and being that the chain is an openbook and there are chainanalysis companies that claim they can find anyone. Wouldn't uploading something so illegal mean the uploader will be found and arrested pretty quick? This in itself would be a deterrence to even attempt it.
What about miners, would they ignore these transactions?
What they say that they can do and what they can actually do to show that they have matters "under control" are likely two separate things. You can believe that TPTB have matters "under control" all that you like.. That's your choice... It's a free country, the last time I checked...
** I feel that I might have said whatever I was going to say better in my first response to these.. but whatever.. I have some thingies that I have to do.. so I have to stop thinking (or is it writing:?) about this topic for the moment.