A weird sense of humor, or the desperation of a bag-holder?
But it is true: I did sell all my BTC to invest in XRP, months ago. And I have been doubling my XRP holdings every day since then, as I did before with BTC.
Considering I am one of your alt accounts, technically you wrote it.
Not a bag holder. Just trying to help.
I can only imagine how much xrp you now have considering you were long suspected to be The Great Manipulator with tens of thousnds of btc.
Sorry about that, sometimes my other personalities get on my nerves. Never mind.
My holdings are easy to compute: I learned about bitcoin ~350 days ago, and I have been doubling my hoard every day since then.
I am not the Great Manipulator, of course. Watashi-wa Nakamoto Satoshi-san desu, but don't tell that to anyone.