-There always were and always will be people exploiting loopholes in laws and regulations. Like Bitcoiners managing to circumvent AML and taxation for a while. That's why teh law is in constant flux, constantly updated by your betters to better serve you,
criminal scum.
-Duration can not be extended indefinitely. The ability to extend patents/copyrights is also in flux to best serve you, earthling.
-We are neither innocent nor corrupt. We is [were/are/will be].
Stop thinking. It gives your flesh a sour aftertaste.
~Your Beneficent Reptilian Overlords.
Oh I love people using "there always were and always will be".
Much order
Such authority
Very respectYeah, keep believing that the world doesn't change.
The more you believe, the more you get butthurt by reality.
That's where you get pleasure from, right ?
World change, people's mind change. Humanity evolve.
There are the ones who anticipate changes and adapt to it and there are the ones that get butthurt...
There is no way governments stay is their current form simply because they do not do any effort to adapt to change.
No Kingdom or Empire ever lasted.