Oh..and while we're looking at charts. Let's take a look at the measuring stick the world uses to price everything.
Bubble? or a broken global financial system?
your post is called despair.
Also this:
lets not forget that Bitcoin has an annually inflation rate of 14%...which doesn't make it allot better than the dollar when it comes to inflation, now with declining rate of adoption and this high uinflation rate and declining confidence of investors the price going down is the only logical trend... beside the inflation argument is old and fake, and I consider it an insult to m intelligence.
Bitcoin technically has a 0% inflation since inception. There's a 21M BTC monetary base which will never be inflated.
see you are wrong there, technically there is 13 million Bitcoin in existence and the annual inflation rate is around 14% , theoretically there will be 21 million after 150 years.
No, there are 21M Bitcoins in existence. It's just that not all of them have been issued yet.