Now if the ETF opens we will move a small amount from a retirement account into it. I think many people will. Sure it is probably going to be considered "high risk" but with "high risk" often comes great reward.
Rather, with high risk comes the high probability of losing most of your investment (as this is practically the definition of 'high risk'), and merely a small chance at great rewards.
Else your investment would've been low risk, obviously..
I remember you pouring everything you had into BTC when it was $1200. Gonna find that topic now and bump it for the education of others. Being perma-anything is a bad thing, and greed has obscured both your visions. The descision of never selling anything as BTC was reaching ATH's was clearly a bad one.
Never bought at $1200. Sorry to disappoint. We thought about selling some at that price but we were concerned about capital gains taxes. They are lower if we hold the coins for a year or more. It wasn't quite a year yet. This time around we will be fine.
I take some offense at your comment about "greed" though. Hubby and I do our best to live our lives in a way that is generous. We give 10% to charity each month. I am going on a mission trip to India in six weeks, (partially funded by BTC). We never ever invested more than we could afford to lose 100% of and be fine. We just really believe that Bitcoin is revolutionary and worth pouring a decent sized investment into it. If it means we have to cut back on some things to do so, it is totally worth it!