Oh teh edge...
Now explain to me how free_market allowed the violence_market to come about? Why did our problem-solving free_market ubermensch allow such a travesty to happen?
Is it what you call "best and most efficient"?
Or... Was it a cruel whim of our Mighty Reptilian Overlords?
Finally, does your free market exist today? Did it ever exist? Or is it just talk?
It is technology. Different technologies determined the rhythms of the human system during our history. Perhaps the centralization of violence providers come out of metallurgy. Perhaps the top-down power structure come out as a result of information being disparately available to the system participants.
In the past these structures, we may argue, were the most efficient. But at any moment in time the 'old' do its best to stick around while the 'new' do its best to replace it.
In our times, the 'old' is top-down command and control. The 'new' is planet-wide emergent self-organization.
What I describe as the 'free market world' is maybe centuries ahead, and surely has not existed in the past (except maybe in very small communities). But i'm sure that if/when it manifest, there will be no coming back and the epoch before it will be considered a mere precondition to it.
*Perhaps then we will be able to overthrow our Reptilian Overlords