Obviously Fallling is a bit of a dick but the guy is honestly right more than any of you bulls are. Fallling why exactly do you troll so much and hate bitcoin is it because you honestly see no need for it? I finally made an account on here out of frustration because I guess I'm a "weak-hand". I buy 5 BTC a week ago because all the experts on here tell me we should start seeing some upward pressure but all I've seen is my money down the toilet and don't expect to see any actual gains any time soon. My knowledge of trading is very elementary but it appears most people's views on here are pretty out of touch with reality. Anytime you say "Cheap coins!?" because the price is dropping and then a week later it drops some more..well you messed up there didn't you because ya could have gotten them a tad bit cheaper.
There are basically to ways to invest:
1) Buy when there is blood - you may catch a falling knife though
2) Buy in a rally (in the beginning, you should be able to tell when it is worth getting in) - you may get in late
Usually if you respect your fiat you choose 2)
If you invest what you can afford to lose you go with 1)
Don't accuse the 'experts' bro..
Well, good thing you sold then.. b/c it sounds as if you do NOT know what you are doing.. and you do NOT have sufficient patience for BTC investing... also, it seems that you are incapable of taking responsibility over your own decision making b/c you are whining about the movement of the market.. and blaming people in this forum.
I made a hefty penny off the last big rally in May. If I had kept my btc I would have lost any gains whatsoever by now.
Your ruining all of your talking points by sending like three responses in a row about my original setiment where everything i said was true. I take 1000% responsibilty for any loss i incured this week and it was nowhere near an amount that i couldnt afford to lose. You sound waaay to butthurt. I didnt insult you or call you a whiner in anyway but if you wanna be a dick be my guest.
I did NOT mean to call you anything, and I am merely describing your tone and the content of your message as whining. I did NOT mean to call you a whiner yet, but I will call you a whiner if you continue with a whiner tone. At this point, it is to soon to determine if you are just whining or if you are a whiner.
My saying that you are acting like a whiner does NOT mean that I am butt hurt. Why would I be butt hurt? My portfolio is in the red, but I continue to buy more BTC. I do NOT see a problem with that or any reason to be butt hurt over it.
I am glad that you are saying that you take 1000% responsibility over your investment decisions, even though I got the impression that you were trying to blame someone else for whether your portfolio was in the red or the black.
Regarding my talking points, I was likely addressing different posts, so no worry about getting the feeling that I am focusing on your post, merely b/c your post left a lot of fodder for discussion. Certainly, there may be some repetition in the posts that I made. I don't deny that.
I am also glad that you are saying that you are NOT investing more than you can afford to lose b/c if you are comfortable with your investment, then it is likely that you will NOT become as stressed out if the investment is NOT performing up to expectations which can happen from time to time... especially with this thing called bitcoin (however, I do believe 99% of the alt currencies are more risky than bitcoin - especially in the longer run).
If you think that I am being a dick, then that is up to your own consideration. I actually think that I am being nice to you by attempting to give you the benefit of the doubt in various ways. Surely I could present my ideas in a nicer way, but I am NOT purposefully attempting to put you down, merely b/c I referred to your tone as whiney.
The overall sentiment of the btc hodlers is that it doesnt matter how much you lose because in ten years youll easily be a millionare. You have a guy a few posts up saying he would enjoy a nice dip to $400.
I am of the belief that it would be erroneous to attempt to summarize the sentiment of BTC hodlers b/c there is going to be a considerable amount of variation in what they want and what they are willing to tolerate before they begin to panic. It is true that some hodlers want the price to go down and some hodlers that downplay the importance of downward price movements, but each of us hodlers have different ways of expressing these kinds of concerns that cannot easily be summarized, at least in the way that you are attempting to accomplish such. Maybe your tone comes off as whiney, b/c you seem to be judging others, and using language that appears to judge and/or denigrate others, and that kind of language is NOT really needed to make your points. Yes, there can be frustration when the price moves in the opposite direction as what had been expected, and some BTC hodlers buy more and some just continue to hodl and some sell and attempt to buy in again at a lower price, as you mentioned. There seems to be little to NO need to second guess someone b/c s/he chose to hodl rather than to sell and to buy back in.. b/c sometimes people have been burned by those kinds of sell and buy back in strategies in the past and they do NOT want to take those chances.
If we are heading in that direction why in the world would you not sell and then buy back in. Please let me hang on the moon with you guys in 10 years though.
Well hodling and buying more as the price lowers (if it lowers) may be the best overall strategy when the BTC price seems to be below the trendline, but each of us will decide for himself what s/he wants to do. I am glad that you seem inclined to hodl.... however, it sounds as if you have reservations about that decision. In that regard, we have to be careful NOT to be overly harsh on ourselves after the market has moved b/c we cannot really be sure which direction the market is going to move. I suppose that is why we watch this thread b/c we are trying to figure out various techniques to better predict the price direction of the market.. and even with various TA techniques and news watching techniques and manipulator watching techniques, a large majority of us still seem to have difficulties predicting the BTC price direction on a short-term basis. I am continuously making prediction on the short term, and my batting average is probably NOT very great... but I just hope in the long term that something in the ballpark of the trendline plays out.. It need not be exact as long as it is in the ballpark of expectations... .. but at the same time, I am willing to lose it all b/c I have NOT put all of my eggs in this one basket (even though I am continuing to increase to increase the proportion of my total investment portfolio in the BTC direction).