Very bad indeed - in Greece official gov will be with NATO while the majority of people with Russia.
Unexpected results, you don't wanna trigger this kind of stuff in EU, damnit...
I have Ukrainan friends (and russian, in fact I have several that are couples i.e one from ukraine and one from russia) and the ukranians are getting called up en masse to join the army conscription style, and even ones abroad are being told to come back and train to fight...
I also have Russian friends telling me that it is not safe for friends to go back to Russia, (russian expats) because they will be let in, but not let out again.
I also have friends that tell me, half a year/a year before this all even kicked off, that far right, boardering on nazis are being funded by foreigners to oust the government in kiev, and take over, and then they did...
Someone has been stirring the pot here...
Consequences indeed... the first casualty of war has occured quite some time ago....
again good, ordinary, decent, normal people, are being led down a garden path by a bunch of protected, rich, clean handed, psychopaths , that could not give a fuck about the rest of us... and to think
some people , voted
some of these people into power.
New rule, send your own children to battle along with themselves... then I might give a fuck about these mad bastards games.
Anyway, hopefully this is all rhetoric, but even then, could this be the final nail in the coffin for NATO ?