Bitcoin started to grow from the beginning and the market rose up to 69k thousand dollars. And the Bitcoin market is down at 16k, but the market is down (-65.32%) year-to-date. 180 days (-14.13%) and 90 days (-16.94%) and 30 days (+0.70%), and last 7 days (-2.84%) today market (-0.71) down is complete. Only once in 30 days did the prices increase slightly.
I never really thought about it like that. You are really enlightening dee peeps in these here parts with such profoundening insights.
In other words, it sounds like we are fucked.
Spiraling BTC prices - headed to zero for sure.
so.. whats with buddy and its one dollar spreads lately.. is it getting lazy? stuck? does it need its vacuum tubes changed? do i need my vacuum tubes changed?
oh golly gee. thanks a lot buddy thats swell
Oh golly gee.
Rome was not built in a day.
#justsaying Today I got a nice big unexpected check. (Figured it to come in Feb)
I am hoping buddy drops a bomb and I can buy a nice piece of corn.
Just pointing out that you are engaged in lowcoiner and no coiner talk.
Why does buddy need to drop in order for you to feel good about being able to buy more corns? whether at these prices or whatever happens to come, without having to wish/cheer for BTC prices to fall?
Haven't we had enough DOWNity in recent times? such as the last 7 months? of course, even worse downity in the past month. Why do we need more down just so that you can pick up an additional 0.1BTC?
I did spring for 4x my DCA today.
ok... no problema with that,
mostly.But if we could do a nice tank I am now truly loaded for bear.
Fuck off with your repetitive cheering for down..
ain't nobody got time for dat.Edit: PS. By the way, about 3 weeks ago, I received a pretty decent amount of extra cashflow from a source that was not expected.. and I largely used that extra money to plug in some areas in which I had considered that I could buttress some of my buying on dips.. and then to move down my buying on dip orders.. I am not cheering for any of those extra orders to get filled.. and I would be quit content if they did not get filled.. but if they do, they do.
I guess what I am largely attempting to say is that anyone who has been in bitcoin for a decently long period of time.. (perhaps 4 years or more) should already largely be established in bitcoin in such a way that they profit more from bitcoin prices going up rather than BTC prices going down.. especially at these kinds of (relatively speaking) historically low prices... and especially the longer that any of us has been in bitcoin, then it should be expected that we would be stack/biased towards UPpity.