How miserable is the board? Haven't been here the last day or two.
Just curious. Is everyone prepared for the possibility of retesting 420, 340 and 260? Is everyone ready to test <$260?
Not saying its going to happen, I'm just saying you might want to PREPARE yourself mentally and emotionally with that reality. You might want to have a gut check NOW instead of waiting until one of those scenarios plays out.
A few months ago when we recovered off the lows at 340 there was a lot of optimism around - things were just playing out like normal. Currently, some people STILL think its playing out like "normal" that we won't go below 420 or 340 or lower. Just can't happen. Well that MIGHT be true. But what if its not??? ---> are you ready for that possibility??
If I was you, I'd have that conversation with myself soon. Because within the next month, its a possibility.
I thought we are going to moon, you told us so at 650.
Please, stop with the passive aggressive BS.
If have bought and sold this market on its way up and on its way down. Some bad trades, mostly good.
No, you stop with aggressive advices to people here on bottoms and tops.
YOu might have sold and bought good though I don't care but your bearish aggressive preaching at April bottom, and even more bullish aggressive one at June/July top could have made someone to sell and buy extremely bad.
2-3 weeks ago you were putting your mouth into everyone's face if someone dared to note that moon isn't around the corner, 4 months ago you were aggressively promoting total collapse of the market week before it went up 50% and you still have courage to play smart guy image now (even if I think that you might be right this time).
Just shut the fuck up and stop acting like you solved trading.
Please find the fucking quotes you are talking about from 2-3 weeks ago and 4 months ago. I was on fucking vacation the day we went to 340. I wasnt even near the forum for a week before then. 2-3 weeks ago I didnt know where we were going because we were in a triangle. What the HELL are you talking about? Your the guy that told people to buy fucking feathercoin 2 months ago before it went down another 50%+.
I haven't been bearish or bullish for weeks. But I'm looking at the chart and there is no buying.
My post, mutha fucker, was simple to tell people to prepare themselves for possibilities. Whats the other advice - tell them to fucking panic when something happens.
I prepared myself mentally and emotionally for this. Its a smart move. Maybe you did not. Maybe thats why you are being a dick right now.