price may recover, perhaps even in a few days. What will be hard to recover is the credibility of bitcoin, and of bitcoin "experts".
No one saw this dip coming, no one could tell where it would end. No one can tell whether it will stop at 460$, keep falling, or reverse.
No on can explain why it happened. No one can tell for sure even where it was made in China or in the West.
So how could people tell whether and when the price will rise again, and by how much?
The "exponential trend" and the "periodic bubble theory" now seem rather far-fetched.
Fund salesmen will have a hard time convincing people to invest. How could an analyst honestly recommend it to his clients?
Or maybe not, there will always be suckers who will belive a good sales pitch and buy without researching...
Hang on a minute... this is Bitcoin we are talking about? the same one as usual right? volatility is not exactly rare... infact I thought it was more than expected by all? ancd the market goes both ways right? I am pretty sure that it goes up down sideways, up down sideways , etc it has done it as long as I have looked... with BTC even more so...
I just do not get the surprise....
I will surprise you somemore.. the market is going to
continue to be volatile and go up down sideways on a regular basis... we have not seen nothing yet... and it will continue until of course there is far more liquidity through the exchanges... it was never surprising that we could go down, it was more surprising we stayed sideways for so long, and down before an up was ALWAYS on the cards, when the volatility kicks in, which is needed to jump up the price, then it swings wildly both ways, it is also possible for a down swing followed by another down swing... no shit... and guess what.. after that the price will continue to move... we will get an upswing thrown in somewhere along the line too... markets... they move, BTC especially, everyone here knows this by now right?
If you still believe in BTC long term.. this is nothing but either entertainment or opportunity.
Set my alarms for $435 - going for a long nap.