I watched the whole thing.. it’s about 42 minutes long, and the whole thing is decently good… except Holy fuck.. the way that Craig Wright was introduced into the video at around minute 30... That was retarded to have a clip from him.. even though they pretty quickly debunked CSW’s claim to being Satoshi.. so the retarded part was ONLY about 1-2 minutes long.
Well to be frank I guess except for the Bitcoin die heart community this Craig Wright was a big thing, he almost convinced journalists that he's Satoshi so not giving this guy a couple of lines in this documentary about bitcoin would be an injustice. Actually, like you said, it not only refuted his claim but also made clear that anyone claiming to be Satoshi is a liar unless he signs a message with the private keys.
I am not objecting to having CSW in the presentation. I am objecting to the way that it was done... I think that it should have been
way more denigrating of CSW, even though I agree with the ultimate punchline.. (so yeah.. maybe my criticism is largely stylistic in regards to how they made that substantive point).
Yes.. 11.5 minutes - not easy to listen to.. .
I can see that the guy is making some decent points.. but I have difficulties giving any benefit of the doubt to SBF (including that the presentation of SBF recognizing that SBF is talking out of both sides of his mouth.. and sure maybe SBF wants us to hate him.. the psychotic, flabby vegan and purported ethical altruist wannabe),
...and I also have some trouble with the Defi is fine talking point... , even though there is likely truth to the fact that SBF and even Alameda were paying back Defi loans while they were failing/refusing to pay back real world people and while they have so far been running off with the money..
and another thing that I have not been seeing too much is how various political donors are actually donating out their money rather than giving that money back to the (rightful owners) through the bankruptcy proceedings (for the creditors.. and the attorneys as was pointed out.. yeah attorneys make a lot and probably too much to sort through these kinds of quagmires of trying to get back money that can be gotten back, in theory.. or hopefully through the difficulties of the current system.. in which there are a lot of ways to criticize the current system.. but a siding with the criminal seems kind of strange.. even though yeah his attorney will need to do that at some point.. if the guy gets locked up or maybe he will choose to represent himself.. since SBF seems to think that he is so smart about presenting his issues (I mean lies) in the court of public opinion)... I know my last paragraph is rambling.. but fuck that guy SBF.. even though the video presentation does make some decent theoretical, factual and for the sake of argument points.