Done - We are roughly looking at September 2015, unless we align during the March 2015 bubble cycle...
Post a donation address!
The only thing that could distort this model is that the number of pages in this thread will start an exponential trend
You are so right! But maybe this whole thread is one big "Observer Effect" (hell - it's in the name of the thread!)...
The Observer Effect: "Changes that the act of observation will make on a phenomenon being observed."
(Side note: I have never received a donation before... that is so cool! There are some very nice people on this forum.)
edit: Had to add this...
I will send you one in a few minutes, need to restart my client.
Well, the BTC community is rather generous, I am here more than a year and when you actually produce a chart or help other people, you get donations, sometimes
Is this a donation-worthy chart?
I did this up when we were stagnant in the 400's (the blue line) and was waiting to see if the channel here held, and sure enough, the price hit the lower channel boundary and is slowly creeping up (the red line).
I also found that the bubbles (or peaks, if you would prefer to call them that) seem to occur approximately every 234 days (an observation already mentioned on this forum) - with the minimum time between peaks being 213 days and the maximum time being 235 days. Considering there have been six peaks, that is a very small degree of variability for such a volatile phenomenon as Bitcoin.
I then plotted these peaks only and noticed that (bar the June 2011 peak), the others very closely follow an exponential trend which puts the next peak at approximately $4,800 (again, aligning with other predictions being tossed around the forum).
If you extrapolate this trend further, it puts the March 2015 peak at a whopping $26,000!
One last interesting point of note... the runup to the bubbles, whilst varying in duration, does appear to assume the same velocity. Assuming we hit the top of the channel in the next run-up, this price velocity has us commencing the notorious bull-run within the next 10-20 days. Is it just a coincidence that the 1w MACD crossover looks likely to occur in the next 10-20 days?.....
Final disclaimer (before someone else says it): Past behaviour is no indication of the future.
... but it sure is interesting...