Coming back to (xbt) volume one more time: here's a (very draft-y) motivation for my claim that I want to see eventually 300k xbt volume on the USD exchanges over three days... although that demand is perhaps a bit too high, on second thought: I demand 3 "perfect" days with 100k volume in a row -- I should revisit the exact claim.
Anyway, despite agreeing above with Peter R.'s observation that we don't need an increase in USD volume by factor x to support a price increase of factor x, there still seems to be some surprisingly constant (across vastly different price regimes) definition of 'high volume' periods, denominated in Bitcoin. That value seems to be somewhere above 100k coins per day, and until that patterns turns out to be broken in the future, I expect it to hold and will keep it in mind when judging how sustainable I consider a rally.
Here's a chart summing up volume over stamp and gox, over the past two years. Not added yet: finex and btc-e, so the values to the right are somewhat too low. Note that during the run-up to 1200, summed xbt volume spiked to above 100k several times.
There is another view (don't have it on this computer) where it becomes more clear that there is clearly a downwards trend in raw xbt volume over different price eras. My claim here however is that high volume "100k days" appear to be remarkably constant across periods (at least so far)
EDIT: just to be clear, I don't expect 100k+ volume days right now. During the late-2013 rally, they also appeared only rather late, from the SR crash onwards.
So my point isn't that I miss those high volume days during the current phase of the rally, but that because those days are still missing, we aren't in the phase of the rally yet that marks the run-up to a new ATH. I know, I know: duh!
EDIT 2: Maybe not so 'duh' after all... (from another thread)
No, most of us are talking $2000-$5000 by next MONTH, not next year.
That's exactly my point: no chance in hell. Bring on a few real spikes in volume, like the aforementioned 100k days, and we'll talk.