Serious question, for a second:
Does anybody know how much of Bitfinex' volume (on average) is routed to Bitstamp?
Bitstamp's API returns total volume (i.e. their own volume + orders from Bitfinex). Bitfinex' API doesn't distinguish between orders executed "internally" and "externally" either, to my knowledge.
The result is, we can't say for sure how much of the volume on stamp on finex is a duplicate... Can anyone who trades a lot on finex shine some light on this? Maybe you know how much, approximately, is routed to stamp, so we can at least guess how much stamp's volume has to be discounted.
Zero. They decoupled months ago.
Thanks. Also to dreamspark, F-bernanke.
So the situation changed drastically over the last year, huh? Last time I used finex, they were still routing 50+% to stamp, but that was a year ago or so I admit.
Interesting development. In the past months, I tended to always discount USD volume in my calculations/speculations by, say, 25% because I assumed some of it was reported twice, but maybe that was a mistake.