You even know what a Nazis is? National socialism...... Show me one crypto coin that is socialist?
Um. Just because they called themselves Socialists doesn't make them socialist.
They were in fact fascists, right-wingers not left-wingers.
Wrong. They were socialists.
In Hitler's Germany, every citizen was guaranteed a job by the government. Every citizen was guaranteed an education, at government expense. Health care was not totally socialized, but it was heavily subsidized by the government. Sound familiar? They weren't Marxists, but Fascists really are socialists too.
I don't think you know what left-wing and right-wing actually mean. In America, at least, these terms have become almost meaningless. Nowadays, right-wing = conservative = republican, and left-wing = liberal = democrat. In reality, all of these terms have distinct, useful meanings.
The left-wing/right-wing terminology originated in France after the French revolution, where those who favored the old aristocracy sat on the right side of the legislature, and those who were more egalitarian in their views sat on the left. Thus, right-wing came to be associated with those who believed that some people (the aristocracy, in this case) were genuinely better than others by birth, and ought to rule over others based on their basic genetic superiority. In this way, the Nazis were clearly right-wing, even though they were also socialists. I don't think any political group in America now is really right-wing, other than fringe groups like neo-nazis and the Ku Klux Klan - but it makes Democrats feel better to associate that term with Republicans.
Look up "classical liberalism" on Wikipedia to see what the original (and real) meaning of liberalism is. I think you will be surprised by the answer. Spoiler: It reads a LOT like what most of us call 'Libertarianism'.
"Conservative" historically has meant to oppose change, to favor maintaining the status quo - whatever that might be at the time. I don't know too many American 'conservatives' who are happy with the status quo nowadays.
The media and the political establishment try to conflate any term that has negative connotations among their supporters with their political opposition, and thereby render good, useful words useless.