This is where all the smart money is going right now, not bitcoin itself.
Evidence? I need evidence of cleverness as well as evidence of money flow, to support that claim.
Richard Branson invested $30 million last week, no? He's pretty smart!
Yeah... we need some sources for these various conclusion regarding how much money is going where.. and whether the money is "smart" or NOT... or at least provide some detailed specifics and/or descriptions to support these kinds of conclusions.
You could add up a lot of infrastructure, and possibly get up to half a billion $$ that has been invested into bitcoin infrastructure, including ATMs, mining, exchanges, payment/remittance services, conferences, application development, consultations, etc.
Bitcoin has a market cap of nearly $6 billion, which is a reflection of the number of bitcoins multiplied by the market price per bitcoin. The BTC marketcap may be a little bit of an artificial number, but if there has been nearly a million bitcoins mined over the last 9 months or so, then those recently mined bitcoins have been absorbed into the bitcoin market cap... even at an average price per btc of $400 per bitcoin, that is $400 million.... and even if only 25% of them were sold, that is $100 million.
In the end, money seems to be going into both BTC infrastructure and BTC purchases. I am NOT about to break down the specifics b/c I do NOT know specifics.. and I did NOT make the assertion that there is some kind of direction that is "smarter" than another. It seems that if we get another BTC price spike or a further price decline (which is seeming less and less likely), there will be profits (and losses) both in the infrastructure investments and in bitcoin purchases, and like in life, FEW, if any, of the profits or losses will be distributed evenly... and the smartness of the investment strategy will vary based on luck, timing and whether any skills are brought to the venture(s).