I think that I'm starting to get it..
So, he's like a character from some mexican soap opera, because it lures in poor people who actually fall for this act? It starts to make sense now. More poor people to put their life savings and kids college funds to BTC, so we could convert it to USD and buy more "castles" and lambos with it. Yeah, nothing better then to rob the poor with some good ol' deception. That's quite clever!
P.S. we should keep this under wraps though, with bitcoin trying to market itself with slogans of freedom and equality. We should try to act like we aren't a bounce of scoundrels, who enjoying rpietila's stupidity, because it lures in more unfortunate targets.
Why else would you use an avatar on an anonymous forum on the internets, of you wearing a business suit, if it is not for the sole purpose of luring in those who actually think that people in suits are generally right?