First, that was nixon that condemned the dollar with deconnecting it from gold. He couldn t do otherwise because they had printed so many dollars that they couldn t reimbourse country that wanted to have gold for dollar.
Second, Greenspan was doing what bankers ask from him. that s why they put him here. Bernanke wasn t a greenspan v2! He is one of the people who had the best studied the 1929 crises and the united states have already decided to give a try to free money. Again he did what bankers asked him to do.
Third, ultra liberal doesn t mean to give all power to bankers. It s all about what people choose as a whole. We have to let the invisible hand of the market adjust absurd situations. (4 times more dollar since 2008 is just grotesk)
First, where the hell did this myth come from that it is a good thing when a currency is tied to gold. Gold is an precious metal with strongly manipulated speculative value, that doesn't have much practical application. It was a good thing when the dollar tied itself more to oil then to gold, because a lot more depends on oil then it depends on gold.
If Greenspan gave the power to the private sector, then it's logical that those who are at the top of the private sector have the the most important vote on things. And every free person could also get to the top if they're smart enough and they work hard enough. This is capitalism, that decides power by fair competition and is about the survival of the fittest.
Most of the weak whiners don't exactly like free competition, because they aren't exactly competative, because they aren't smart enough and they don't want to work hard enough. They just wish that they would get rich by hodling bitcoins, without actually having to do any work and without being smart.
It's very hard to understand on what you meant on Bernanke wanting to try free money.
Ultra-liberal in this context meant less regulations from the public sector and more freedom to the private sector. Would you have wished that the freedom didn't go to those who are educated and run the finance at the private sector, but to every citizen in the country? That every financial decision will be decided by public referendums by people who aren't even capable of electing competent public leaders?!?
Most of the people don't exactly know what they want. They just want more money and power, while not wanting to do any work for it. They demand that they could decide on things while they themselves are not ready to do any work to make decisions of better quality.