There are several factors why people do not daytrade :
1) They feel safer to have their coins in the coldstorage and not on the exchange - nothing wrong with that
2) They understand that trading is a serious deal, that you cant just jump in right into it and make money - nothing wrong with that
3) They have other job and its more profitable/comfortable for them to just focus on their job and buy more coins when the price is right - nothing wrong with that
4) Profit from investing is taxed differently from profit from day trading in some countries. (0% and and >40% in my case)
(I also pay an additional 1.2%/year property tax over my bitcoins, but that's peanuts)
5) some people trade through websites that provide instant exchange between national back accounts and BTC, but have a relatively high fee of 3 to 5%, both ways, making day trading too expensive.
HODL'ing (and buying 1 BTC or less, if the price drops more than $30 below my last buy).