In regards, to the second table listing bitcoin growth timelines, I have some difficulties considering that we are already past 100 million bitcoin users. Sure it is possible that we have reached those numbers, and if you think about it, if the bitcoins were equally distributed, that would be 0.21 BTC per person, and we know that some users have way more than that, which would imply that some users have way less than that... like way the fuck less. .. like some people are being counted as users, and maybe they ONLY own an account on Coinbase (with zero balance) or maybe their Bitcoin holdings may well only be a few satoshis..
How many satoshis would be enough when 21 million satoshis is the current mean, if we were to divide 21 million users into 2.1 quadrillion satoshis..?
Maybe we have millions of supposed bitcoiners who are ONLY holding around a few thousand satoshis and they count as bitcoin investors... even tens of thousands of satoshis would not cost very much at today's prices to bring your own holdings above the mode.. .. bringing yourself above the mean would be a bit more challenging for newbies with little income (cashflow), but it still may well be doable to get a few million satoshis for less than $1k... because right now you could buy 1 million satoshis for right around $207.. and maybe you would have to pay more depending on the fees that you might have to pay.
User = unique active user.
Active means holding BTC (accessing the economic properties of BTC).
Data is via a mix of forensic on-chain analysis (clustering addresses into entities) and unique ID-verified accounts at exchanges (via CCAF) with survey based de-duping. further response does not really go towards addressing my use of that post as a springboard in regards to some other ideas.
Another thing is that bitcoin addresses do not necessarily equal number of users, and surely Willy Woo would not make that kind of mistake, so I would surmise that any data that he puts out is an attempt at best guestimations - which he is likely better than a lot of sources in terms of attempting to give some meaningful numbers - but even with Willy's genuine attempts I stand by my points both in regards to likely the low number of bitcoin adopters, the likely low amount of BTC (or satoshis) that are likely in the average users BTC wallet, even if we end up having more than 100million bitcoiners, and also the cheapness of buying satoshis to even be able to achieve the mode number of satoshis that would be in each of the BTC wallets if we were to generously assume that BTCs were equally distributed amongst the supposed quantity of bitcoin users (100million) and even assuming that no coins were lost and no one is HODLing (or hoarding) disproportionate shares of their alotted bitcoin.. 21 million satoshis per person.... kind of fucked up when we know some people and companies credibly proclaim to have 10s of thousands of BTC.. and "greedily" taking BTC from the "mode" BTC user who may be in the 21 million satoshi territory (and likely way the fuck less than that because every one of the supposed 100million plus users could not realistically even get 1 million satoshis if they all tried to do so.. because too many are retained by the evil bitcoin hoarders.
If someone would have told me beforehand that gold would be declining when inflation is at 8-10%, I would have been very surprised.
Have you ever heard of the "bitcoin replaces gold" theory or the "bitcoin eats gold's lunch" theory?
20BTC = 20BTC