Lets face it guys we're a bit fucked. The bottom line is that all money in Bitcoin eventually needs to move through the exchanges and people aren't willing to trust the exchanges. So all that BTC thats gone may affect the price upwards in the uber long term due to lack of supply, but if there isn't a safe way to express demand, supply matters not. We'll recover but this might be another 2 year ride (no guarantees, but it seems like a real possibility). I sat through one I can sit through another though, I guess.
Meh, trust in exchanges means f'all. If few whales start a bubble you'll see people in line begging to send their money to exchanges.
Good old greed beats any trust problems.
Who's going to be the whale? The macroeconomic picture is that the Federal Reserve is tapering the quantitative easing even as real employment (labor force participation) weakens. There's likely to be a mad scramble for cash and whales will have their hands full with their other investments.
When the tide goes out, you discover who's been swimming naked. The only whale I know with massive cash on hand is Warren Buffet and he's not coming to save us.
Oh Billy, no need in trying to make us forget all your too bullish nonsense from last few weeks with going to all bearish nonsense now, specially with all those big words after the change that happened in you in last few hours.
Take it easy mate
There will be line of whales as soon as they decide it's right moment to do it. Just relax, try to not get burned before then and be ready to jump in.
If you are actually serious with your talk in last 24 hours, then that time might be sooner than you expect as your behaviour is one of the strongest signs of it. Ultramegahypegiant bull going into "it's almost over" phase in a day, that usually means better times for bitcoin are not far away