Is it my impression, or has there been a general clamp-down on discussion and analysis of the MtGOX heist and its leaked database?
It's just your impression and, more generally, the impression of Bitcoin bears.
People who have a predisposed opinion that Bitcoin is a bound-to-fail concept thought that the failure of Mt.Gox was proof that they were right. They assumed that Bitcoin would have gone to zero by now and that we would all be constantly talking about it.
People who are optimistic about Bitcoin's future don't find the Mt.Gox drama that interesting.
As the bitcoin bulls say, MtGOX is MtGOX, and bitcoin is bitcoin. The coin will succeed or fail no matter what the bears think.
But the fact that the "bitcoin community" does not want to know what happened inside MtGOX, to me, means that the MtGOX scam was not confined to Karpeles and the hypothetical hacker. Shouldn't investors be interested to know whether other prominent bitcoin businessmen are involved?
I would NOT let what some bitcoin users say signify the whole of the bitcoin community. Surely, there is NO consensus concerning the impact of Gox and the extent to which the GOX findings are going to continue to influence bitcoin beyond GOX... surely some bitcoiners are wishing that GOX would go away... but so what? There are going to continue to be aspect s of the Gox matter that will ripple into the bitcoin space b/c of the extent of it and b/c the story is still lacking in clarity... and accordingly evolving.
NONETHELESS, I have the sense that a lot of the major and uncertainty aspects of the GOX situation is contained, and the worst of the GOX situation has already been absorbed into bitcoin prices.... and maybe that is why we are getting stagnation and seemingly slow upward movement rather than getting an upward spike in BTC prices.
and the worst of the GOX situation has already been absorbed into bitcoin prices..
I wonder what fresh whales would consider. Would they jump in? They might think, where is the
transparency, where is security, and where is secrecy?
Interestingly, a bitcoin activist claimed he had big bitcoins trapped in mtgox, but the hacked documents proved he had little balance, showing he lied, and furthermore, he also had lied that he had only stocked and never sold.
Seems to me, the worst of the GOX situation might have already been absorbed into bitcoin prices, but we are far from an uptrend. Behind, the fundamental problems in transparency, security, etc are still out there.