Chinese Slumber Method prediction for Sunday Mar/02Trade volume V
d for today Mar/01 is already ~102 kBTC, and volume V
h in the official Slumber hour (19:00--19:59) was 100 BTC; so, by the new rule V
d < 0.005, it is definitely a True Slumber Point.
The price at the official Slumber hour today (Feb/28 19:00--19:59) was 3464 CNY. The new data point leads to a slight revision of the last segment of the new trendline. The average of the True Slumber Points since the Second Karpeles Catastrophe of Feb/20 (namely, Feb/21, 23--25, 27--28, and Mar/01) is now 3515 CNY instead of 3522. Thus,
Prediction valid for: Sunday 2014-03-02, 19:00--19:59 UTC (not before, not after)
Huobi's predicted price: 3515 CNY.
Bitstamp's predicted price: 572 USD.
The prediction is the blue rectangle almost outside the right margin in the chart below. The orange and grey dots are the True and False Slumber Points, and the orange line is the new trendline.
The price ratio between Huobi and Bitstamp was 6.08. That is so close to the factor R = 6.12 that I have been using, that I prefer to stick to the latter. Thus, the prediction for Bitstamp is simply that for Huobi, divided by R = 6.12.
NOTE: The prediction is void and null if Mark Karpeles issues another press release, or somebody sneezes.