If government can print as many currency notes as they want then why am I charged with Tax???
Your premise is wrong.
They cannot print as much as they want without facing consequences.
You are charged tax because there is some attempt to make the whole system sustainable, but over the years and the ongoing abuses (and temptations) of governments to continue to spend beyond the sustainability of the tax revenue, which includes their having had ongoingly borrowed against themselves and having to service their own loans with tax revenues, then they are ongoingly spiraled into worse and worse circumstances in terms of having to print more money just to keep the system going.
It's not a good thing, and for sure when they are in their earlier days of printing a lot of money, they start to believe that they can print as much as they want (or at least that is what they say), but they may well know better and just pray that they will not have to suffer the consequences.
If we did not pay any taxes, then the problem would be even worse, yet don't get me wrong, I am not even suggesting that there might not be alternative ways to go about this.. I am trying to describe the system that exists rather than some fantasy system that would be totally based on printing without taxes.. that is even more looney than the already existing system in which spending is going beyond income and part of the explanation for spending going beyond income is that the abuses of the government officials (or whoever the fuck is allowed to print money) have been going beyond their ability to even service their own ongoing debts... which may well have to do with either spending too much or not having enough revenue coming in in previous years... The problem is related to both income and spending.. not just income as you seem to be lamely trolling us with such a dumb question - not that I have not heard others (even seemingly smart people) asking the same dumb question.
This is the biggest milestone for the Philippines, Binance and Bitcoin
Cryptocurrency users in the Philippines are quite large, that university is making rapid steps in the adoption of cryptocurrencies.
What is that? What is the thing that they are adopting?
Fuck shitcoins.. my new years resolution..
Oh? it's October.
Whatever you say JJG. I am taking it positively. This is one of the good initiatives. As they said, Those universities to offers
Bitcoin and Crypto Courses in partnership with Binance.
I was not even responding to you. I was responding to Ludmilla_rose ... yet sure, you have a right to clarify since you posted the original message. Maybe if you had posted it more clearly in the first place, then Ludmilla_rose would not have gotten so distracted with the stupid-ass vague idea of crypto.
I wouldn't mind if they teach people how Bitcoin works in the Crypto course. If they can teach the mechanism of Bitcoin and other shitcoins mechanisms as well.
Yes.. devil is in the details regarding how various courses are taught.
Let the students decide what they should choose.
Are you saying that the truth doesn't matter? Everyone can find their own truth?
I would recommend they teach more about security. If you don't know the details of Android and IOS, If you don't test the features, You won't be able to Judge which one is better.
There are a lot of ways to teach all kinds of subjects and people can do whatever the fuck they like when it comes to their own learning approaches.
I have preached a bitcoin first theme for a decently long time in terms of learning about bitcoin first before getting into shitcoins, and of course, if there are courses built around topics and a variety of inputs, then there are going to be a variety of ideas regarding how to teach things... so in that regard, they have to figure out how their courses will be taught and if some courses might have prerequisites to other courses or the way they structure within any course can have some institutional guidance but also instructor variance.
If there are no altcoins or shitcoins, you won't understand the importance of Bitcoin.
Fuck shitcoins.
So, I am taking it positively. JJG
I am positively telling you: "fuck shitcoins" The pumping of such topic is not relevant in this thread, unless you are connecting it with bitcoin.
I heard about this story and just had to shake my head in stunned amazement.
Never mind the fun times of sticking vibrating things up your butt; let us not touch upon that.
I'm more interested in learning how to actually parse data from internal rectal vibrations.
Do they use morse code? Some other coded sequence of vibrations?
The mind simply boggles at the extremes some people go to cheat.
At competitive chess.
With specialized vibrating butt-plugs.
Retarded space rock...
Oh? That would work pretty well if it is remote controlled, then like you suggested, Morse code or maybe some simpler kind of code would work really well..
So with chess a person might believe that they are playing a person, but instead they are really playing a sophisticated chess-winning computer / computer program, and each "next" move is communicated via butt plug Morse code.. .