Bitcoin isn't anonymous
This is news to you? The FAQ is clear: [...] is actually more traceable than cash
Like a credit card (except it often requires ponderous resources to find out the name on the card)?
Bitcoin [...] is actually run by a secretive central core of developers instead of being decentralised
Of course you mean "this fork" and not Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general. You are welcome to create your own fork or coin and explore this project's decentralized nature.
Bitcoin [...] has massive security issues instead of being rock solid technology
You must have heard by now Bitcoin is in Beta. Developers can't help it if people heaped tons of value onto it before it was finished baking. This is your fault, not Bitcoin or the developers' fault.
I don't agree Bitcoin "the project" has security issues. Exchanges, wallets, and some developers have not handled THEIR security well. Some participants have not practiced care and have lost coins and money.
In addition, if you haven't learned this lesson in life yet then maybe you will thank me: software is an arms race. Nothing is safe. It is only hardened by putting up roadblacks which nefarious types eventually work around; to which more roadblocks are added.
Anyone else feeling a little bit cheated? I want to keep the faith but wondering if there are better things I could be putting my money into (tesla for example).
Absurd. You're disgruntled because you feel entitled to huge monetary gains and Bitcoin isn't giving it to you fast enough (of all things)? Please, put your money elsewhere. Oh, and nice timing coming into Bitcoin so late, and now wondering if Tesla would be better since they too already exploded in profit. Maybe consider GE, I hear electricity will be big.