I'm genuinely fascinated with fib patterns as indicators of emergent properties in systems. I doubt I'll ever find the time to do a decent objective study for apophenia vs statistically significant predictable patterns. Hats off to those of you who do
Me too... I have used them to good effect to judge entry and exit points in the past with PM's , you know when you know you want to get into the market or out, but are trying to figure where the point is where you think this is a good a point as any... Fibs have been very useful for that also in trading certain currency crosses, but of course in the PM market it is a known that many traders and even bots do use Fib retracements , and their main use therefore is mainly I suspect for whales to set more effective bull and bear traps , it is difficult to study a market for such patterns when it is being not only manipulated but also gamed by people using the very tool you are looking to study the efficacy of ie Fibs
I have only started to look at the fib retracements with Bitcoin recently but I will be keeping an eye out going into the future... however I see them probably only of some use in describing retracements of moves, to identify possible channels levels of possible support and res.
In reality though as I have already said I am a fundamentals guy and the fundamentals guy sees strong upside on mid term horizon, as many of us do..
On a another note there is a 7- 7.5 ish month cycle inbetween ATH peaks if you go back , it is there a good four or five + cycles back.. (edit ok one of them is a peak after a dip and not a new ATH) so I would not be susprised if we see this years ATH's inbetween June - July , but maybe I am wrong I would not be surpised if it was Oct-Dec
It is as we all know very hard to put your finger on any actual price and match it with an actual accurate timescale especially with an emerging market/technology.. Fugazi, Fugayzi, Fugahzi, it's a wahzi, it's a woozie, fairy dust. If there is going to be real skin in the game then I happily call a direction and a timescale though... Choo Choo... and not too far into the future - ha -