BTC-China 80+80+50 = 210
OKCoin 62+55+30 = 147
Huobi 45+37+20 = 102
MtGox 38+37+15 = 90
BTC-e 39+27+13 = 79
Bitstamp 37+22+13 = 72
BitFinEx 9 + 9+ 5 = 23
Other exchanges had smaller amounts. In total, about 750,000 bitcoins were traded on those exchanges in those three days, when the price was at or above 960 USD and it seemed that it would keep increasing well beyond 1200 USD.
Presumably some of those coins were traded multiple times in that period, but it seems safe to assume that there must be a few hundred thousand bitcoins out there which were bought at those prices by their current owners.