How will 3 banks acquire 99% unless people are stupid enough to sell?
It won't be stupid to sell when it becomes apparent the 1% are trying to acquire 99% of bitcoin.
lol. we'll just switch to litecoin. Let the 3 banks have fun with bitcoin and use it to prop up their balance sheets or whatever these people do.
EDIT: how did you leave my ignore list?
I PRAY for the bitcoin is adopted by big fellas. Even if they acquire the 99% of it, they will be OBLIGED to pay for services and the circulation will begin again. What's NOT gonna happen, is the extra-super-duper inflation we have now. Only 21mn there EVER will be. That's all. You can't keep them all. You need money to make the world go around...
LTC/PPC/(place whatever here) will be players too. Smaller stakes, but IN the game. That's because people need variety and solutions to their problems. Bitcoin might be gold, but there must be diamonds and silver too...