They did not allow any evidence to even be presented in most instances......
What evidence? It was all frivolous bullshit. That's why it wasn't allowed. Are you a lawyer?
Have you read the transcripts?
(I'm sure you've read a lot of right wingnut nonsense on the interwebs, no doubt, lol)
blah blah classic whataboutism
...blah blah blah...
Yeah, that is why it is a show trial, because its absolute bullshit.
Now that you've got all that out of you system
Have you watched any of it?
You did not address my point . Do you want to address the fact that all of Trumps inner circle admitted that the rigged election narrative was all bullshit?
Which is what caused all his idiot minions and militias to storm the capitol in the first place, because they believed his nonsense.
Yeah, lol, I do this thing, called sleep every now and then, and have other things to do other than sit here chatting with you guys too, as much as I enjoy it.
You have asked me some things and asserted some things, to which I will reply a bit later when I have time, for now I have a BBQ to enjoy.
One thing I will say, after scanning your replies, is lets keep it civil shall we chap?
Will reply in time, and I hope my replies are not met with "got that out of your system" etc, it was a considered reply, you may not like it, you my not agree, but it was a considered reply, meant in good faith on my part, and as I mentioned, I could have written that same thing , in 2016 (in fact I may have on this forum or may have been elsewhere I cannot remember now), because I had already seen the information that led me to write what I wrote last night, back in 2016, and then I got to watch it all play out, exactly as they planned, and exactly as they stated, you can call into question my honesty if you like, but I am telling you that is the case, and there is no "whataboutism" about it.
BTW, I am proudly not a conservative, and not a liberal or a "democrat" (though I am liberal in a classical sense) - I think they are both for the large part, assholes, and I like to give them both shit when they deserve it, and I often have.... I have in the past railed against Bush, W Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, Trump, H Clinton, and Biden. I do however, think that Trump has got an undue amount of flak, unprecedented, and often with little objectivity.
Right, now I am off to grill some meats.
Catch you later.