What about...
nuclear waste disposal?
Yucca mountain!
...what? why not?
... cancelled by the Obama administration?
... US and A already produced more nuclear waste than the planned waste disposal could have held?
... all the US nuclear waste temporarily stored on Marshall Islands repository is about breaking up already?
https://www.latimes.com/projects/marshall-islands-nuclear-testing-sea-level-rise/Energy independence?
Who wants energy independence when it radiates your ass?
... as well as anyone else's?
Sorry, but buying the "clean energy"
argument fraud of the nuclear industry is putting your intelligence to shame!
EDIT: My bad, mean ego is telling me that it's time for another Chernobyl-grade event, to remind the world about how clean nuclear energy really is.
This Planet has developed to a near perfect shelter for protecting life against one of the most deadly entities that exists in space: Radiation.
It's dumb, on a level above "completely nuts", to "produce" nuclear radiation beyond controllable levels. These visions grew on a mindblowing amount of stupidness and optimism. Optimism never tends to work when it comes to big problems.
Nuclear power generation is failure by design. It's that simple. I'm sorry so few can see this.
You have fallen for all the myths of the claimate lobby.
Please watch this clip, it has English subtitles, and see if you change your mind.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-g5kZ6KLbo&ab_channel=HenrikJ%C3%B6nssonWhen i learned about nuclear power (before 86), i considered it as a fail already, climate change wasn't even known by that time. So there was no "climate change lobby".
This is a one-sided nuclear vs. wind-power standoff video.
To be fair, as i felt the urge to switch it off after the first few minutes ("nuclear accidents only killed a few dozen people...") i watched until the end.
The IAEA connected one direct death to Fukushima in 2018. So there is at least one dead connected to the accident, the video is from 2022 and denies this.
FAKE NEWS is the correct word for this. Also, a affiliated worker died from cancer was only registered as a victim of radiation after five years. Every fukushima worker that died of cancer before the five years wasn't counted, but there were quite a couple. Nowadays scientists know better, and this is another fact the narrator just doesn't know/pretends to know etc.
The narrator completely supressing the fact that the cancer rates and cancer fatalities skyrocketed in the areas most hit by Chernobyl's fallout. There are still highly radioactive animals and mushrooms in the woods of hungary (just as an expample), and it's pure bullshit that the radiation of nuclear waste only "travels a few Centimeters through air"). If it gets hit by ground water, it's contaminated, and there is the oral intake (which the video host claims to be impossible).
After all, to keep it short (and my "mental overload" meter in the green), REAL scientists knows why nuclear waste is critical, unlike the atomar lobby and their "scientists" claim.
A failure by design.
You can allways argue the finer details, but the overall point still stands, nuclear power still is a lot safer and kills a lot fewer people than coal and oil.
It is still, in my opinion, one of the safest ways of generating stabile electrical power.