Whaaa? "True globalists" ARE the WEF. Globalism as we know it has failed, and their future plans are awful, for pretty much everyone. So the arguments "against WEF" make a LOT of sense. Who wants to be a "true globalist" as far as this iteration of "globalism" goes?
"The Saudi guy" and "lower death toll" ermmmmmm guess you do not know what is happening in Yemen then... nor what the death toll is, which is far far far higher than in Ukraine. Dunno where you got your facts from.
"We are at war with Russia" ..... I did not know you were from Ukraine.
Germany is not at war with Ukraine.... you could argue, and would be correct, that NATO has indeed been making hostile moves towards Russia for quite some time now.
Also, btw, in 2014, the Maidan square incident, and the subsequent coup that followed, were NOT ORGANIC, and Obamas administration had their mitts alllllllllllllll over it, and that was a mistake.... and has
directly, led to where we are today.
I know about Yemen. I don't really care about it though, I'm not a hypocrite. Like Trump said, it's a shithole where they marry little girls (Trump didn't talk about that last part, he probably was fine with it). I feel much closer to Ukrainians fighting for their land in a reasonably modern and in many ways similar country to mine. And wanting freedom and democracy.
I guess you don't care about freedom and democracy, but then why are you upset about the Saudis ? You should love them, like you love Putin ?
Meh, no I am just being objective.
I have been talking about Saudi for decades.
I have been talking about the Ukraine, since before Maidan square... AND Russia AND the USA and the allies for decades.. criticising both sides of the isles, it is nothing to do with partisan politics.
My principles do not just change because it is "our guys" some how....
Yeah, it figures on the one hand you would tout "real globalism" and then within a few minutes are saying "I know about Yemen. I don't really care about it though, I'm not a hypocrite. Like Trump said, it's a shithole where they marry little girls"
Yeah, so "you know what is happening in Yemen" , but somehow not the death toll and yes somehow "that saudi guy is not as bad as putin" .....
The Yemenis are people, with families, the Saudis , with our explicit help, and backing, strategic support and arming, from the west, with our tax payers money, are responsible for aiding the Saudis, nearly 400,000 deaths so far, just in that war alone, but, somehow, this does not matter, and your argument sounds vaguely like it refers to some sort of "principles" ..... hmmmkay.
As for "you do not care about freedom and democracy" well Ukraine is not a democracy, their government was installed, and they do not behave like a democratic state, with their treatment of people and journalists etc.
Why would I care about Ukrainians any less than Yemenis? because Ukraine is "European" lol..... funny.
If the west had not done what they have done over the past 30 years, then the whole righteousness would carry more weight.
I do not like what is happening in Ukraine, any more than the next guy, nor anymore than i liked what the west has done over the previous decades, and I do not like either the dynamic that is playing out, between USA, Europe/west, China, Russia etc... and they are ALL playing the same games against each other, and are all, as they have been for decades and decades, vying for resources and strategic assets.
Why would I "love Putin", is that your response when anyone introduces any nuance or facts surrounding the situation ?
So bias and lies are "nuance and facts" now.
Says the guy who has zero objectivity.... and repeats any old news to cheerlead on , does not matter if its nonsense or not?
I am not bias, I have no horse in this race at all, and I am not telling any lies....I am just being objective and looking at the larger picture, and taking into account the actions the have led us here over the past decades (this did not just appear out of nowhere in February.....
Yes nuance and facts, things that have been analysed and dissected and found to be true, way BEFORE Russia invaded Ukraine this year. Before the whole world jumped on the "latest thing to be woke about"
Also, the wests "support of Ukraine" on a state level, has EXACTLY ZERO to do with "helping the people of Ukraine" they could not give a shit, Ukraine and its people are mere pawns in a much larger game, to the USA and allies, and to Russia. They could not give a shit. Just calling it as it is.
Sure, just keep making things up and post them here as "facts".
Like? which facts do you refer to ? in the preceding few messages I have posted , to which this is a reply to, here are some of the assertions I have made:
There was a orchestrated coup in Ukraine during and after Maidan square - this is a fact, widely discussed and widely accepted by serious analysists. There was nothing organic about it, and Obamas administration 100% did "broker a power deal to transition in the NEW (unelected) government" at the time.
The actions that happened previously to Feb 2022 - have a very real bearing on what is happening today.
"Democracy" in Ukraine is not well established, and they have not been behaving like a democratic state, just ask the journalists placed in prison in the Ukraine for doing their job, same shit that Putin pulls.
Ukraine is , and has been a long time in "Russia sphere of influence" - (even if I or you do not like it) a lot more so than any of the wars orchestrated by the west over the past 30 years.....
Russia has the right to take actions it deems as necessary to take strategic and defensive/offensive actions - (even if I or you do not like it) Just like the USA and Europe asserts this as their right. (and of course the Ukraine has the right to fight back)
There is a very real, widely discussed, and very well documented game of "tit for tat" between NATO and Russia in Europe, no secret here, and further exacerbated by the issues of "nuclear defence shields" , this is a long running and ongoing and very well documented situation....which did not start on Feb of this year. (and in this regard the allies and NATO, use Ukraine as a pawn, just like the Russians do)
The death toll in Yemen is far greater than in Ukraine.
People somehow want to justify that "Yemenis are not as important as Ukrainians" somehow (this argument has been made here several times by several people) They are just as important , and I will state this as a fact. (In fact I have more to say about the US and allies support of Saudi, and their war in Yemen, as, unlike with what is happening with Russia, I pay my taxes (and vote) in a western nation, that is supporting the war in Yemen. I pay no taxes to the Russian regime, BIG DIFFERENCE)
The actions of the west and the allies, just over the past 30-40 years alone, the wars, regime changes, financial war, trade war etc have been incredibly destructive in terms of blood and treasure, to many many nations, and given this, the west has no moral standing to be pointing fingers at anyone. I really wish this was not the case, but it is.
I think that about covers the most recent of my assertions in relation to the Ukraine and Russia situation... not one of those I believe is even in the slightest bit controversial.
I believe them all to be verifiable facts, and I believe there is indeed some nuance in there compared to "Putler has lost his mind" ......
I should not have to repeat, that I do not support either war, not in Ukraine and not in Yemen... I have made that perfectly , crystal clear. I just do not pretend this all happened in a vacuum and that it all started in Feb 2022, because it didn't.
(ps, and to refer back to my original statement, and the replies......acknowledging any of this ^^, does not make me somehow "love putin" - that is just....... ridiculous)