Suggestion for the next poll:
Have you ever transferred (some of) your BTC to Celsius?
1. Yes, my entire stash.
2. Yes, a percentage of my stash.
3. NO! Not your keys, not your coins!
Anonymous poll.
I wonder what the result would be...
Well there was at least one douchebag peddling that shitty company here in WO over the last 18 months.
Either that person got rekt or was an inside shill.
So option 1. in your poll should have at least one upvote or that person has either left WO for good / can't access it because they are behind bars or is a completely dishonest fuckface.
Yes, I do remember someone mentioning Celsius and a couple of other similar-type sites. Can't remember who it was, and the forum's search engine is not so good in finding old posts.
I also remember some of us giving the usual "not your keys..." reply. I hope s/he listened to us.
I wonder... Bitcoin itself offers
huge gains, if one is willing to wait for a while. How greedy can one get, to not be satisfied by this, and to want even more gains, at the risk of losing it all?
Greed squared?
Absolutely. Could be a shiller with another shiller pretend asking questions etc. It would be easily done here.
But some, even a lurker, could have gotten duped.
Too much greed will get you rekt absolutely.
Watched a movie called War Dogs the other day. Based on a true story.
Two guys (played by Jonah Hill and Miles Teller) making money selling cheap weapons to fulfil government contracts.
They were suppossedly going to make $30 million from supplying 100 million AK47 bullets for a US military contract.
They found their supplier gave them terrible cheap Chinese made bullets so they got some group of Albanians to change the packaging.
That was going to cost $100,000. The man arms dealer didn't pay them and didn't pay his buddy's 1/3 profit and that is how it ended for him, 4 years in prison.
Personally I would have kept the buddy happy and paid the Albanians at least double and said "No questions asked", bagged the $20 million profit and probably fled to a non extradition country such as Russia.
Put a few million into BTC when that came along and Bob's your uncle (or should I say: Vlad is your uncle).
What an imbecile.