Did you hear the one whereby, they, are, in certain states in the USA, now putting, TAMPON dispensers, in the boys toilets in schools!!!!! (by legislation)
Quite frankly I could give a ratts ass. Doesn't affect me in the slightest. Why get all excited about it? Who fucking cares?
Then again I suppose it makes for good fodder on an online forum where juvenile folks can get all riled up about it and post billions of silly emojis and lols...
Yeah, he better go with the flow instead of getting upset too quickly
OK, i (or we) got it. You're five
(or acting like a five year old).
It would be good for you to get to know your ego, and learn to control (or use) it, before you get fully controlled by it.
Hint: Cryptotourist.
You don't want to go there.
A cousin of mine, that I wouldn't call woke, has 4 boys. His wife has created a clothing brand and is quite successful, she wanted a girl when they decided to make a 3rd kid, and instead got twin boys.
One of the twins has long hair and wants to be a girl. He's 4. At that age, it doesn't come from internet. The "theory" is to let him do what he wants and see where it goes. I can agree up to a point, if he likes "girl toys" or things like that, it doesn't really matter. But indulging in letting him believe he's a girl ? For his birthday parents of other kids asked what to bring, and the cousin said : do as if he was a girl.
I fear the wife wants a girl so badly she'll push him in that direction...
It's actually hard to not project a parent's own wishes, ideals and so in onto his/her children. The idea comes from
anti-authoritarian upbringing, a concept of the 70s.
I personally know only a few children raised like that in a very strict (unstrict, in fact) way. All of them became, wonderful, open minded, strong, still sensible and caring adults. There's also a misunderstanding, which leads to semi-anti-authoritarian methods, resulting in the most annoying and toxic personalities in adults most often than not.
Either way, parents decide, but if so, they should stay by their decision, which conveys
stability, which is the foundation of trust, one of the most important "ingredients" in a parent-child relationship.
Most young adults today are unstable because of insecure parenting. There's no ideal parenting, though, and there are cultural conventions, social rules and so on, how would you find your way through all of this, being unstable? No way.
On the other hand, i know a man, who was a girl as a child and teen, biologically. He/she always wanted to be a boy, experienced 20 years of life like an alien in her own body. A great dude. If i wouldn't have been told that he was a girl (when he was 17), i would never have known.
Kids are very sensible, there is a probability that the 4yo child is sensing the wish for a daughter in his mother. We tell more about ourselves than we might be aware of, and kids are magnificent in picking up information we don't even know we emit, constantly. So there's that. I, personally, would not react so much to "ideas" of kids that age, but later on, i would have to seriously deal with them, if they don't change.
In the end, most parents want the best for their kids. It's just that "the best" is individually, and mostly "the best" in the view of the parent, not the kid's view. I would be something like a saint if i wouldn't also be prone to these kind of dynamics, but at least i try not to.
That's where the old trust thing comes in. Parents could trust the childrens view/opinion of what's "the best" for themselves a little more.