Did you hear the one whereby, they, are, in certain states in the USA, now putting, TAMPON dispensers, in the boys toilets in schools!!!!! (by legislation)
Would someone explain this to me like I'm five, please?
My only guess is in case a girl decides to use boys toilet she can comfortably dispense her tampon. Am I off the mark, and there is another reason for putting those dispensers in?
It's for transgender boys to use. So girls who have transitioned to boys. Otherwise they wouldn't have access to them, unless relying on other girls to provide them.
So whether you agree or disagree with the whole transgender topic, especially whether a girl can transition as a boy or not, then at least ideally they can still have access to tampons while others deliberate the validity of their gender identity. For example if you still see the transboy as a girl, then hopefully you can agree they should still have access to sanitary products at the same time.
I personally don't see how this is so controversial, whether it's the case of a transboy wanting access to tampons, or a girl who considers themself a boy... just let them have what they need surely.
ok, there is at least some logic in a girl, who want to
pretend "transition" to be a boy (which is obviously not possible) , still needing a tampon...(why would that be? ohhhhh , cos they are a girl in reality) however the other way ie a boy who is
pretending "transitioning" to be a girl, does not and will not ever ever need a tampon
However...... it is a school, public resource, public money... it is other peoples money that pays for the whole shebang. There are shops out there in the world where they can buy them.
Annnd then, the other issue is the fact is exposes other children, some of whom may be younger, to the whole thing.. which other parents may have an issue with.
These kids , all of them are under the age of consent for pretty much everything.... (alcohol, voting, driving, etc etc) so why is this different ? why is this not a case of, do what you want when you are 18?
Also, I also see that, in some states and schools in the USA , they are now allowing children, who self identify as cats, dogs, and other types of "furries" to wear "furries costumes" and not speak, and to sit out PE, and to do things like sit at their gym teachers feet and lick their feet rather than doing their gymnastics/football or whatever.
Also, what about the rights of the parents who have children in those schools, that do not want their kids around little Juan, who is prancing around in a dress at age x at school, or little Jenny who is walking around and in class and now called Juan, and they do not want their kids exposed to such an influence when they are still a child?
...and "send them to another school" cannot be the answer shirley... , sorry I mean surely
"don't call me Shirley"
Where do you draw the line?
I mean, next will it be cool for kids to smoke crack at age 13 in class room jus cos?
Also.... the deeper underlaying issue here is as follows....... men, cannot ever be women, and women cannot ever be men. It is just not possible, it is not reality. No matter what cosmetic or hormone treatment, it just is not ever so. It just isn't.If in the future, there was a way, to actually, really, truly, 100% change one sex to another, like certain fish can do, then maybe, it would be different... but it just isn't.
So, asking why do people have a problem with it.... is a bit on one level like saying, why cant we just be cool with people who say "I identify as a giraffe" ....... well bro, its because you are not a giraffe, and even if I wanted to be cool about it, and would love to make it so, it just is not so.
There is a problem with society, just arbitrarily trying to change, or pretending to change these things, and like I alluded to earlier, it can be dangerous.
Hitler, and co, tried to make out that certain people were subhuman... it was a distortion of reality.... and people played along... that is what can happen when people play along with distortions of reality, things can get dangerous.
It is not just cut and dry.
I really have no problem with people, doing and wanting to be what they want, where they want, when they are adults... I DO have a problem, when people try and force the view, that biology for example, gender, man and women, do not exist. If a person wants to say, "look I am going to go around , dressed and acting and behaving like another sex, because I want to" then ok, all the power to you... the problem comes when people start saying "NO , I AM A WOMAN!!!" and you must accept that, rather than, "I am a man who wants to dress up as a woman" and I do not see why people cannot just accept that , rather than just trying to change basically the laws of biology, of which there is little ambiguity about (yes a tiny minority of people are intersex I know)
That being said, the other thing that is weird is how people go about it in the west. In Thailand, they have, for decades already, just declared that there is a "third gender" not man, not woman, but "other" or "ladyboy" and it is just accepted and no one argues about it and people just get along in general. However, the "third gender" do not go around demanding x,y,z, demanding they are treated like a man or woman, they are just "3rd gender" and it is generally just a thing for adults, not children.
I think you may be wrong transplants work at times.
So maybe a girl could get testicle transplants.
so if a girl grows a dick on her arm and has testicles transplanted giving her/him the ability to get women pregnant would she then be a man