Copetech, this post will make an “activity bump”. The forum takes awhile to update activity and rank—sometimes an hour or two; it’s usually faster. Let’s see how my images look soon after I make this post. Good stuff you said there, though a few points I’d debate—besides the note below, I will catch up with you later.
[...long, long post...]
Dude you sound so suicidal its sad. I hope you don’t act out your forum name bro or is it sis.
I don’t want to die as a Bitcoin shrimp; and death can strike anyone at any moment, even if one tries to avoid it. That’s a strong motivation to try to stay alive for
at least long enough to get back up to a whopping 1.0 BTC, and have it in my wallet where it belongs—then, on to the next goal... Preferably before BTC goes into six digits!
Jay always says that people prepare for the downside, but not the upside. I know this principle very well. It is why I so desperately clung to my BTC, struggling not to lose it. I was feared downside
because I feared upside: I knew what would happen if I got liquidated, and then Bitcoin suddenly turned around and ran away.
“Don’t be like mindrust... please, I don’t want to wind up like mindrust...” Upside now terrifies me.
I mentioned somewhere that if I had panic-sold BTC, and it turned out to be unnecessary for avoiding liquidation, then I would seriously contemplate suicide. I spent months struggling to save my BTC from this debt trap. I am proud that I struggled to save it—even though the way the market played out, that much worsened my losses. Going down fighting—I can live with that. Giving up and
voluntarily dumping BTC, right before BTC turns around and goes up—probably not.
(To your question: Macho man here, born tough and then hardened by adversity, who laughs at danger and never cries. Liquidated into a weepy puddle of pathetic public grieving for lost bitcoins. Protip for newbies: THIS IS WHAT MARGIN DOES TO YOU!)
Bitcoin is onto this concept in it's raw, unrestricted form. Good bad or indifferent it gives everyone control of their own destiny.
Exactly. And even in its origins, Bitcoin shows what can be achieved by those who take destiny into their own hands.
is unfair. And the big banks hold everyone else down. Satoshi didn’t just sit around complaining about it.
Can a lone individual change the world—change the course of history? Satoshi proved it! (Theories to the contrary notwithstanding, I do believe that Satoshi was one individual.)
With Bitcoin, you can do that in miniature, in your own life. Take charge.
Be the positive change you want. Make your own wishes come true.
Or doom yourself. You can’t have one possibility without the other.
I doubt that there are any reasons to take my comments as if they were personal attacks.
No hard feelings.
Why would Marcus give 50 merits?? Is this his shilling account??
Oh, Gee, this is where it leads...
Sure, I’m marcus. And nullius. And Jay. The plot thickens when you discover that I am also suchmoon. I attack myself to throw you off my trail.
I have spent
years telling people not to buy on margin. I have mentioned in several of my previous posts (and much more in a bunch of anguished outpourings I wrote but didn’t post), I made stupid mistakes that I warn others against.
My very first post under the intentionally melodramatic moniker death_wish was designed to drive the point home
graphically. Some of my recent weeping and wailing with prayers for Bitcoin’s forgiveness is intentionally over-the-top, for the same purpose.
DO NOT DO WHAT I DID. Which I spent years saying not to do. Which I then did.
No, really: DON’T DO IT!When you exaggerate, it might cause some of us NOT to want to believe you. I am sure some members here are skeptical about this whole situation, and why are we even talking about it?
I did not exaggerate any of the facts. To the contrary, I have understated a few points—and omitted much that’s worse.
My rhetoric is sometimes over-the-top: The weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Intentionally melodramatic, with a good dose of wry self-deprecation.
I generally have nothing to discuss with anyone who thinks I’m lying. I’ve tipped my hand with some technical knowledge of Bitcoin, and a long familiarity with the history of this forum; it’s very unlikely that someone with that level of experience would have no coins to lose.
(I could trivially prove my story; but for reasons of privacy, I am not willing to expose the necessary information.)
I doubt I need to underscore my passion and my principled demand for permissionless systems, which by their nature let me mess myself up if I so choose.
It would be better to mess yourself up on purpose than to do so accidentally. There are quite a few folks who have locked themselves out of their own coins.. so that can be scary..
Indeed. And a large part of Bitcoin’s strength is in its community of people who will spend hours patiently schooling newbies in how to set up a wallet
properly, how to do backups, and so forth. I’ve done my part. I do that kind of thing by habit.
Bitcoin is the safest form of money. It’s like gold in your physical possession—except that you can back it up; and it is so much easier to protect from thieves if you know what you are doing! But it is an alien world, to anyone without prior experience with cryptography. “Private keys? Huh?” You need to understand that if you lose your keys, or if you spend to a wrong address where nobody has the private keys, then the situation is even more hopeless than
if you just threw gold coins into the depths of the ocean.Familiar physical analogies help, as long as they are not overextended.
[...] In other words, I am starting to feel that I am getting drug into negative energy..
I am conscious of the need to avoid getting monotonous here; and I know that when we get a little bounce with rising bullish sentiment, people won’t be thrilled to see much talk about sadness and losses.
I adapt to the moment and to the context. To the extent that I express sadness when Bitcoin is up, consider that an opportunity to feel smug about all the coins you have safely in your own wallet, controlled exclusively by your own private keys.
Long post, some good stuff... Will catch up with you and others later!