I had to up my medication recently, since C19 hit; recognized I was not handling things well.
With the SSRI dosage I'm stabilizing on, I'm not sure it's psychologically possible for me to intentionally create drama at this time.
Sorry to disappoint. Gotta deal with a more mature, stable Bob moving forward I guess.
Building this ranch really fucked my head up good, with all the subcontractors fucking things up left and right, and almost 2x cost overruns at this point so far, never mind having to near-drag a neighbor into court... Christ give me strength...
Could you stop taking your meds for a few days?
We need a bit more ccccccittteee in these parts.
TBH...you've been kind of boring lately...
haven't even deleted any posts.. you fuck.
Well, i took SSRI's for three years or so, while the last two and a half were fading them out sloooowwly (you better do it as slow as you can).
The thing is, taking off the meds would work for a few days without problems, but then unpleasant, creepy feelings, stress and anxiety would kick in.
Back then, my friends were saying that i became "flat", "boring" and "unshakeable" and the likes, while i didn't experience it that way. For me it was peace of mind, stability, energy and positiveness to experience. States that completely dissapeared from my life before, as a consequence of taking a good dose of LSD at the very fucking wrong time, after my narcissistic girlfriend broke up with me, in a very bad way (nowadays called "ghosting").
So been there, done that. SSRI make sense when you need them. It's better this way, than the other.
You wouldn't have written what you wrote, Jay, if you had ever needed SSRI before.
If it was meant ironic, forget my reply, but remember you're the one on the funny side of irony, while Bob may be not.