TBH, I'm getting tired of hearing about these third world countries claiming they're getting into Bitcoin, but then not really doing anything. And by 'anything', I mean more than just talking about it or just making it a legal currency. I want to see them buy bitcoin as a reserve asset by the tens of billions! Piss or get off the pot! Drain every exchange dry!
Get the fuck out of here, you negative nancy.
Do you believe that some of those small countries can really feel comfortable adopting bitcoin if they speculate that they are going to end up getting attacked by various western powers that be, whether attacked by IMF, USgovt, other banks, rich institutions, mainstream media?
Meeting and learning about bitcoin might well help them out to figure out some kind of way that they believe that they are able to get involved in a way that will end up working for their own situation.
You believe that you know about their situation better than them? You believe that they already knew about bitcoin for as long as you, and they should have done the same thing as your smart ass individual had been able to do?
Fuck that nonsense.
I hate to be referencing Saylor too much as if I worship him like a god, when that is not the case. Saylor has a lot of great ideas and insight, and recall in February 2021 he had conducted a conference to help to provide information and materials to help to teach institutions (and perhaps rich peeps too?) regarding how they may well learn how to get into bitcoin, and providing some roadmaps and materials, and surely even prior to that 2021 conference he had been talking about how much more flexible it is for individuals to get into bitcoin as compared with institutions, and even his company (MSTR) had way more flexibility based on its having had been dominated by him as the main shareholder and even privately held companies would likely have more difficulties than individuals, but fewer difficulties than larger companies or even publicly held companies.
Saylor had mentioned that even in the better case scenarios it may well take a company 6 months or longer just to get to the point in which they are authorizing the purchase of bitcoin, when an individual might only take a week or two.. depending on if s/he already has money available and has decided upon where to make their purchases (presuming that they are not too hampered by buying limitations).
Countries (and central banks) likely have way more considerations as compared with some potentials that companies might have - but even if we consider countries and/or central banks as being able to potentially act quickly, they likely feel way better when they have the cover of others adopting or even some of the steps that Fidelity had taken in allowing their 401ks to include 20% bitcoin could be helpful in providing both cover and investment vehicles into BTC while they are still learning about it (or maybe even unlearning some of the various matters they had previously believed about bitcoin).
Even when we have some bitcoiners who seem to fail/refuse to understand the difference between bitcoin and shitcoins, do you believe that some of the nocoiner central bankers/or bankers of various third world countries are going to be more educated about the various ways that bitcoin is different from shitcoins?
I mean ffs, if idiots like Do Kwon can buy $1 Billion worth of btc to back his stupid shitcoin, then surely these Central Banks can buy several billion dollars worth EACH, if not more.
Oh? now you want central bankers to acquire the same level of buying flexibilty of a likely intentional scammer, like Do Kwon.
You are making a whole hell of a lot of senses...
NOT.. By the way, in recent days more information is coming out regarding the level of dweeb - and likely intentional scamminess regarding Do Kwon's behavior, and surely many of us would have already suspected that the guy was up to no good, but surely some of the recently revealed facts are seeming to show pretty damned strong inferences (if not direct evidence) that he was using bitcoin reserves (and perhaps other assets) to bail out selected folks (maybe even his lil selfie) rather than defending the peg like he was supposed to be doing with that money.. in other words, those fuck twats were likely ONLY causing the appearance of acting in good faith to defend the peg.. so yeah, they are going to try to make it look like they had been innocently trying to be innovative, while they were engaging in criminal levels of favoritism towards their buddies and likely their lil selfies too... so yeah, compare quasi-public actors (to the extent that bankers might retain public mandates) to the flexibility of a creative scammer... that makes lots of senses.
It's what we all want to see and hear, but so far they're just jawboning. I don't even feel like El Salvador has bought enough bitcoin in reserve to impress me yet.
Of course, you are not easily impressed because you think that your always wanting to be skeptical and a contrarian can justify replacing your judgement for the judgement that various public and/or quasi-public persons (and even institutional actors) have to weigh, even though from your statement here, you are showing that you likely do not have even close to enough facts to be coming out in such a prematurely negative tone in regards to information that is way more positive than you are making it out to be.