+1 WOsMerit
its the abstentions that stand out to me
Also...missed this about the weekend launch in Baikonur ..Apparently the Kremlin wants guarantees that OneWebs sat wont be use for 'military purposes'. And basically threatening to steal/confiscate the units. More posturing.
MOCКBA, 2 мapтa. /TACC/. Pocкocмoc нe бyдeт зaпycкaть paкeтy-нocитeль "Coюз-2.1б" c бpитaнcкими cпyтникaми cвязи OneWeb, ecли дo вeчepa 4 мapтa нe пoлyчит гapaнтии, чтo oни бyдyт иcпoльзoвaтьcя тoлькo в гpaждaнcкиx цeляx. Oб этoм зaявил в cpeдy гeнepaльный диpeктop гocкopпopaции Дмитpий Poгoзин.
"Mы ceгoдня дeлaeм зaпpoc нaшим фpaнцyзcким кoллeгaм из кoмпaнии Arianespace и кoмпaнии OneWeb c тpeбoвaниeм пpeдocтaвить нaм в тeчeниe двyx cyтoк иcчepпывaющиe юpидичecки oбязывaющиe гapaнтии тoгo, чтo кoмпaния OneWeb нe бyдeт иx иcпoльзoвaть в вoeнныx цeляx, нe бyдeт пpeдocтaвлять cepвиcы cooтвeтcтвyющим вoeнным вeдoмcтвaм", - cкaзaл Poгoзин в эфиpe тeлeкaнaлa "Poccия-24".
Oн yтoчнил, чтo гapaнтии дoлжны быть пoлyчeны дo зaceдaния кoмиccии, кoтopaя paзpeшaeт зaпpaвкy и зaпycк paкeты. "Ecли дo 21:30 4 мapтa мы нe пoлyчим пoдтвepждeния, paкeтa бyдeт cнятa co cтapтa и cпyтники бyдyт oтпpaвлeны в мoнтaжнo-иcпытaтeльный кopпyc", - дoбaвил oн.
MOSCOW, March 2. /TASS/. Roscosmos will not launch a Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket with British OneWeb communications satellites unless it receives a guarantee by the evening of March 4 that they will be used only for civilian purposes. This was announced on Wednesday by the director general of the state corporation Dmitry Rogozin.
"Today we are making a request to our French colleagues from Arianespace and OneWeb with the requirement to provide us with comprehensive legally binding guarantees within two days that OneWeb will not use them for military purposes, will not provide services to the relevant military departments," he said. Rogozin on the air of the TV channel "Russia-24".
He clarified that guarantees must be received before the meeting of the commission, which authorizes the refueling and launch of the rocket. "If we do not receive confirmation before 21:30 on March 4, the rocket will be removed from the launch and the satellites will be sent to the assembly and test building," he added.
It will not get easier for some time to come methinks. A catalyst event has happened. Another line drawn....for the first time in a generation not in the sand but again through the heart of Europe. Its eruption heard around the globe but with the shockwave not yet truly felt.
the noon wall report
Bitcoins price softening somewhat today as oil and stonks rebound after sleepy Joe's SOTU address last night. Currently trading around $44.2kish on moderate volumes.
cautious resistance hovers overhead as price consolidates over staunch support at $42,511.0 carry on
some possible scenarios this weekly chart shows the largest structure in bitcoins history..this is where mainstream adoption takes place and the subsequent rally new all time highs are observed
the encouraging fact is that it can be clearly seen that the inclination of the tenken sen and kijun sen crossing are on the rise if span A support is maintained we could very well see an ATH this year as another TKx will present itself
if it goes the other way and sentiment changes I doubt it will go or remain much under the lows that have been recently seen locally I am having a hard time imagining such a scenario at this moment in time where bitcoins price just dives down into the mid twenties or thirties