+1 WoSMerit
Ukrainians and Russians - I mean the people - are similar to the point of being more or less the same.
Much more so than, say, Germany vs Sweden or Italy vs France.
This stupid thing is entirely political.
The Ukrainians, when offered the choice, lean towards the EU more than towards Great Mother Russia.
My bet is the Russians, if given a choice, would do the same.
That's what hurts the Russian Powers That Be the most.
A short offtopic about this crazy internet money. It's called bitcoin. Have you ever heard of it? It's getting more and more popular, so I guess some of you might have heard it mentioned already. If not, check it out because it's cool. The offtopic is: It seems like the oligarch(s) buying spot like clueless noobs and pushing the number up have calmed down a little. Exited the country already maybe?