There will be some of you that understand what I am talking about here, and others who will write me off as a "qanon" type. IDGAF.
He's a controlled op.
Absolute bad actor.
I am still mixed on this. I am not sure. But it could be.
I am not mixed on whether or not he is an asset. Just what side he is on.
Why do you guys think he's an "anything" other than just another Bitcoin enthusiast that likes to wax on prolifically about POW? From what I've read on his twitter stream, his posts are no more inciteful or knowledgeable than any other.
He is in Space Force ROTC or something.
He has gotten the attention of an awful lot of folks, first via linked in, then via twitter. He may just be a kid who knows how to do engagement.
But if he did not start out as a psyop asset, then he has positioned himself to BE one and I expect eventually he will probably be used that way along with Rogan, and Robert Malone and all the other mouthpieces being used to move the sheeple around the narratives. Simply because he has a big audience.
The question is which side is he on? Same question for all of them really.
My theory is the US government is split in half (much like Canada's). There is a large portion of it that is aligned with the whole WEF movement. And, I believe, there is a portion of the government that knows what is going on. Understands exactly what is happening in Canada, NZ, etc and is aware of the plans for here. Including the current plans.
We have shifted from the virus to other things now. This is narrative part two:
And lockdowns because of climate are coming soon.
At this moment the water all us frogs are swimming in has heated up to the point where a SIGNIFICANT PORTION of the west really believes that little screenshot. Is busy watching the magicians hand over in Ukraine while they perform a coup one country away from us. And the plan has that same action happening here. Mark my words.
Robert Malone may have been used to start the shift... or perhaps he was a countermeasure by the good guys. I do not know. My hope is there even IS a good guys out there, and that they are actually DOING something.
If there are I think it could be possible that little guy is working with them... OR against them. But that is why I asked. When you play poker it can help to get information out of your opponent. It can help to see which version of the story they are trying to tell is the real one.
I am hopeful. I think Bitcoin is going to play a huge role in where the world goes next. And I think the narratives are going to get even thicker than they are now.
I plan to keep an eye on this guy. Because if he is not being used to cast narratives now? He will be poised to do so in the future.
Then again maybe he's just a random twitter doofus.