Shrimp: less than 1 BTC
Crab: 1 to 10 BTC
Octopus: 10 to 50 BTC
Fish: 50 to 100 BTC
Dolphin: 100 to 500 BTC
Shark: 500 to 1000 BTC
Whale: >1000 BTC
Humpback: >5000 BTC
I am a Crab, what about you guys?
For sure I would like to see a re-make of this size classification... because surely, it is quickly becoming unrealistic for newbie normies to even reach crab status.. .so it would be nice to attempt to relate to newbie normies.
Seems to me that this chart has been around for at least as long as I have been in bitcoin.. which is late 2013.. and it seems that our price drop in 2014 and even our BTC price stagnation in 2015 allowed for the chart to stay relevant, even through that whole period..
consider the matter
Through much of 2015, it would have been quite easy to get into bitcoin for less than $250 per BTC, but through much of that time, so many folks were quite scared of bitcoin's then seemingly future price direction, and it is shown by how long the BTC price mostly stayed below $250.., and remember that the BTC price even dipped to test $200 again as late as late August 2015... so holy fuck can you think about depressing.,. but still at the same time realistic for that chart to apply to the situation of normies.. so even if these days we might say that normies are going to struggle to get even 0.5BTC with a BTC dedicated bankroll of $20k, back in 2015, they could have gotten anywhere between 50 and 100 BTC with such bankroll, and maybe that is why the middle of the chart.. represented by fish, would have been attainable for even any normie who was ready, willing and able to be aggressive in his/her bitcoin investment.
But, even someone who had been already establishing a decently sized investment portfolio and arriving close to something like $1 million, may have been willing to invest 10% of his/her investment portfolio into BTC, and would have gotten something like 250 BTC to 500 BTC from such 10% investment (talking about putting $100k into BTC).
In other words, to me it seems unrealistic to be using that chart, and even though we have likely had to move our fuck you status up from $1 million to $2 million, we still should be considering the ability to place normie newbies in some reasonable place in the chart, even if it might not be in the middle of the chart but at least somewhere that comes above the first level.. because I would argue that normie newbies are going to have a lot of troubles (unless they happen to be that close to retiring person who has gotten his/her investment portfolio up to something approaching $2 million) getting up to even above 1 BTC......
Actually, maybe it is worth a wee bit of a devolution to discuss the situation of someone (call them precoiner) who might be currently approaching a fuck you status of $2 million in traditional investments, but is only recently coming into a consideration of investing into BTC. Historically, I had been suggesting that such person get the fuck off of zero, and get 1% to 10% into bitcoin.
These days I am still suggesting to get the fuck off of zero, but consider 1% to 25% as your entry-level into BTC.. so in that regard, a person who has already accomplished something close to $2 million in his/her investment portfolio will still be wanting to get into bitcoin in order to attempt to both preserve and to grow the value that has already been attained - also presuming an ability to maybe not get too worried about any need to withdraw any BTC that is currently invested for at least 4 years from the the time of investment.. so at current BTC prices (let's call them $40k to $55k -ish)... such person who has a $2 million investment portfolio would come out with anywhere between 0.3636 BTC (that's 1% invested at $55k - which is only investing $20k) to 12.5 BTC (that's 25% invested at $40k - which is investing $500k)...
So even someone getting close to fuck you status without a bitcoin component is going to both be faced with a dilemma regarding whether and how much to invest into BTC, but also how quickly to attempt to reach his/her target allocation once such quantity decision has been reached.
For sure, anyone can come up with new revised fish propagation level.. and I would imagine that there needs to be way more acknowledgement of the variation within the lower levels because even those newbie normies getting in these days have decent chances of having quite a bit of empowerment at both below a 1 BTC level and even within the 1-10 BTC accumulation range.
Shrimp: less than 1 BTC
Crab: 1 to 10 BTC
Octopus: 10 to 50 BTC
Fish: 50 to 100 BTC
Dolphin: 100 to 500 BTC
Shark: 500 to 1000 BTC
Whale: >1000 BTC
Humpback: >5000 BTC
I am a Crab, what about you guys?
Congrats. And I have not read ahead. But this question is not destined to be well received. You may not understand why... It is primarily because of security. Why tell a group of strangers (as well as the entire internet) that you have between 40k-400k in dollar terms in magical internet money?
This too. I was going to mention something like this within my above response.. but I guess I got too caught up in my other more general discussion points.
Surely, I do not mind talking about this in terms of the theoretical categories - and without necessarily getting into details of personal stash levels.. even though sometimes we do like to talk about potential personal stash levels and stash management whether normies or even someone who might have achieved more flexibility in terms of reaching various personal targets over the years.. and surely, even if some of us may have reached some personal targets through the years, we cannot even be assured that we might not have made a few screw-ups along the way, too... shit happens... that's for sure. .